13 | The Docks

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"Hey, wipe the frown off. We have a battle later so be ready."

"I'm gonna win." Diego said, smiling.

"Sure you will." I walked away, hearing Voight.

"What is more important than protecting Antonio and his family?" He said to Atwater before walking out.


"Listen up. What Pulpo did downstairs was an attack on our family. First Willhite, and now Antonio, so let me be clear. Forget warrants. Forget the rules. It's on us to catch him. And when we do, he's to be handed off to me and Alvin."

"They found a possible getaway vehicle up on division." Jin said.

"Any sign of Pulpo?" Adam asked.

"One dead male. No confirmation on the body yet."

"Let's go."

"Hey, Sarge. I'm just looking for a little clarification on what you just said." Jay whispered. Hank got in his face.

"Pulpo ain't making it back to a jail cell. That clear enough for you?"

We headed to the scene, viewing the van. Nolan glanced at one of the officers, I nudged him.

"Thanks." Jay said, hanging up the phone.

"Well, what do you got?"

"All fake. They took a regular van and put the decals on it, so it looks like a paddy wagon." The officer said.

"The prison transport van that Pulpo escaped in was found six blocks from the district. He ditched it, and he switched to this."

"All right, where's the body?" I asked.

"Over here."

"Driver's wearing a mall security badge someone bought at an army surplus store." Jay observed.

"Forensics I.D'd the prints. His name's Carlos Guvera. He's a known bagman for the Colombian cartel."

"Oh, and Pulpo couldn't let the guy live to talk." Al said.

"Hey, guys, Pulpo's girlfriend and son were with him. How much you want a bet he's taking his family unit and hightailing it back to Colombia?" I suggested.

"We got his name and his mug shot at every border checkpoint. Train stations, airports." Adam said.

"If Pulpo planned this far, you better believe he planned for a way to get out." Hank shook his head.


"So we're all willing to just go off book for Voight?" Jay asked as he leaned against the doorway of the locker room.

"Look, I'm four months out of the academy, man. I just do what I'm told." Adam shrugged.

"Even if that means being part of a lynch mob?"

"If you're asking if I'm gonna turn over my shield and protest, no, I'm not. Are you? I mean-" Jay cut him off.

"What I'm saying is, what do we do? If we find Pulpo, are we just gonna turn him over to Voight?"

"All right, everybody relax. What we do is find Pulpo, and then we can figure it out." Erin interjected. We went back to our desks as Hank came out of his office.

"Hey, anything at Lina's house?" Hank asked.

"Marshals stormed it. Came up empty." Adam answered.

"What about Lina's family?" I shook my head.

"Her mom's got a place on the south side, came up clean, and so did her cell phone records, but I think it's worth a drive-by."

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