Damn Kids

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It's been two days since the loss of Jacqui. Rick said we are going to try for Fort Benning. We've been trying to collect as much gas and food as possible in the last two days. We've had to drop some cars too. I had two whole things of gasoline. One hundred twenty-five miles is what lies ahead. We have to take the highway; lord only knows how that's going to turn out. I finally put my soft top on my jeep the other night. I thought it was best; if I were sleeping in the back, I wouldn't want a Walker to eat me while I sleep. (Jeep at the top) We started yesterday. Daryl had to let go of Merle's truck and ride his motorcycle. He's been in the very front. I don't know how far we are, but I just have this feeling that won't shake.

We started driving early this morning at about 9 o'clock. It's been at least five hours in the hours I had my hair up in a ponytail. I found ten hair ties lying around and two bandanas. One dark blue, one black, both have a white swirl pattern on them. I had tied the blue around my belt holder in the back. At the same time, the black bandana worked as either a mask or a bracelet. I still had the same clothes from the CDC; the shirt was tied up with a hair tie.

I've been letting my eyes wander from the road. Only a few minutes, always looking back after a couple of seconds. The next time I look at the street, the RV is to a stop, and everyone is idling. I let my eyes go to our surroundings, and I see a massive traffic jam in front of us. Being stopped is short-lived, as Daryl leads us through. We pass many turned-over cars, and a few even have a body in them. Again, hope is short-lived as a puff of white smoke comes from the RV. Everyone stops and gets out. Clothes and food littered the ground. "Rick, I got a bad feeling about this," I whisper while walking next to him.

"Don't say anything for now." I nod and walk over to the RV, seeing Daryl digging through cars.

"We can't find a radiator hose here," Shane stated.

"You are kidding. You can find anything here," Daryl says, pulling out a blue and red bag from the car he was going through.

"We can siphon more fuel from these cars, food, and water." T-dog is already walking off to do just that.

"This is a graveyard," Lori adds, making everyone pause and look at her. 'Cause, that's what makes people not worry'. Everyone ignores her and goes on to go through cars. Lori told Carl to stay in her and Carol's sight. I stayed close to him to make sure nothing happened. While Carl was going through a car, he went to open the door to grab something. He reaches over the corpse and grabs hold of a black bag, pulling on it twice and falling to the pavement with it breathing heavily. He shuts the door and turns around, and runs straight into me. He jumps back, and I laughed.

"Whatcha got there, kiddo?" I wonder as he sets it on the ground. He unrolls it, and it's filled with ten different handheld weapons. "Sweet." He smiles.

"Nice job, kid. Wrap it up and go give it to your parents." Immediately the lousy feeling got worse.

"Hey Carl, actually give it to me; I'll give it to your father, okay," I say, trying not to worry him.

"Okay, I'll go find my mom." I nod and head back towards the RV to see Rick holding a rifle and shushing people down.

"Rick!" I whisper.

"What's going on?" He ran towards me, pushing back to where I just came.

"There's a whole group of them." He tells me while we pick up speed. "Lori, under the cars, now." I run towards Carl and get under the car with him while Lori and Carol get under one. I look around and see Rick underneath the car behind Carl and me and Sophia by herself.

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