"You know in Italy the children can drink a little bit of wine with dinner. And in France." Dale said, reaching for Carl's cup.

"Well, when Carl is in Italy or France, then he can have some." Lori covered his cup with her hand.

"What's it going to hurt? Come on? Come on?" Rick said, looking at me for approval while questioning his wife. I shrugged my shoulders. Wine is only powerful when you drink a lot. Everyone here had about four glasses. Besides me, I had just eaten my food and asked for bottled water.

Dale poured not even an inch of the purple liquid into Carl's cup after Lori let up. Carl lifted the cup and drank a tiny bit. "Blagh, that's taste bad!" We chuckled, and I stood up and grabbed his cup, and put the rest of the wine in my mouth while walking with my dishes to the sink.

"That's my boy." I heard Lori say as I passed by. I stayed in there for a while. While hearing everyone else laugh and drink, I only went back out when I heard about places to sleep after Shane had killed the moment.

We grabbed bags and followed Jenner once again through the facility. "Some people will have to share a room, but each room has a bathroom with a shower with hot water so fight it over between yourselves. I'll see you all in the morning." He said and walked away.

"Did he say hot water?!" Glenn asks, excitement in his voice.

"You bet he did," I replied, just as equally excited. I turned to my left, taking the closest room towards me at the beginning of the hall, so all I would have to do in the morning was turn right, and I was right back in the kitchen.

I walked into the room, and it was a decent size, a king-size bed on the back wall, a couch to the right, and a closet and a door on the left. I closed the door behind me and dropped my bag on the bed. I lay out everything in it clothes, weapons, food, water, and other necessities (memory items). I pick up all my underwear, some lace other solid, bras, and a large oversized shirt to sleep in and head to the bathroom. I fill the sink up with hot water to clean my clothes while I'm in the shower.

I step into the hot water of the shower, letting it run down my body and through my hair; it felt so lovely. I felt very clean now, having all the sweat, dirt, and bloodstains off my body. After about 30 minutes, I got out, put on a black pair of bikini underwear, and my oversized white shirt will small word on the front. I unplugged the sink and hung everything to dry. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I drew my eyes to a figure on my couch. There lay a sleepy drunk off his ass Dixon.

I walked over, lean over him to grab a blanket for him when arms went around my waist, pulling me closer. He snuggled into my neck while holding me close, but I knew he would regret it in the morning, so I slowly moved his hands off and put the blanket in my place. I shook my head and plopped down on the bed, turning out the light and falling asleep.


When I woke up in the morning, the Dixon was still sleeping, so I grabbed the black pants I wore yesterday and slipped a bra on underneath the white shirt. I pick up all of my now clean clothes from the bathroom and put them all in my bag with everything else. I laced up my boots and went to the kitchen.

"Are you hungover?" Carl immediately asked me.

"Not with what little was in your cup last night, sir. That was as much as I drank. " T-dog scooped a pile of powdered eggs onto my plate, and I quickly ate it.

The others started gathering in and making small talk. I made no effort to listen fully. It was something about marks on Shanes' neck and Glenn never drinking again. Andrea said that we wanted answers, and to be honest, I wanted them too.

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