"Dead End."

"Meliodas..." you whispered, knowing that he was going to sacrifice himself.

"There's no one that can save you."

"Oh, yes, there is!" Hawk stood valiantly in front of you. "And that would be me, Lord Hawk!"


"Hawk... what are you doing?!" 

"No, please stop!"

"Hawk!" you groaned raspily. 

"If you two die, I'm pretty sure Elizabeth will die too. So what else can I do?" Hawk said unwaveringly.

"Hawk! Get out of the way!"

"Ah, if I'd known this was gonna happen, I would've stuffed my face with scrapes. Don't die now, you pig bastards!" The darkness hit Hawk straight on, leaving him blacken and the area around him to implode. Hawk's silver earring fell on the rocks as his body fell down.

"Hawk..." you cried. You held onto his earring as tears left your eyes.

"To be saved by a lowly farm animal... Now that's what you call bad luck," Hendrickson mocked.

Suddenly a bright yellow light was emitted by Elizabeth.

"This sinister magical power... Could it be..."

"Goddess..." you whispered seeing Elizabeth's magic appear. Your suspicions were now confirmed, seeing the Goddess symbol engraved into Elizabeth's right eye along with her magic outlining the figure of wings on her back.

"What did you hope to accomplish taking things this far?" Elizabeth questioned. 

"Resurrect the Demon Clan.  Get revenge on the Four Clan who sealed us away after the Ancient War. For that I need your blood, that of an Apostle of the Goddesses." Hendrickson formed another nebula.

"Please stop!"

"Dark Nebula."

"Don't hurt anyone else!" Elizabeth demolished it and healed everyone in the process. Freshly bloomed flowers sprung up as the barren soil disappeared. You stood up and walked closer to Hawk.

"Sir Meliodas... Everyone... You had such terrible wounds. Why?"

"Elizabeth, you haven't realized it at all?" Diane said as she bent down.

"Then, Hawk, too?"

"No.." you sighed as pet Hawk's body before walking back to the others. Hendrickson rose from the flowers with cracks adorning his skin and a glare.

"Impudent girl. I should've killed her and taken her blood long ago."

" Well, it's great that we're all healed, but this awful situation hasn't changed," Slader sighed.

"Don't give up!" Gilthunder shouted. 

"But we don't stand a chance!"

Hendrickson dashed towards Gil as he was froze in fear, but Meliodas kicked Hendrickson back just in time. Meliodas left a dent in his rib cage as he punched him. "Don't give up! As long as we, the Fallen Eight*, are here!" Meliodas's punch sent Hendrickson into the air where Diane slammed him into the rock surrounding with her hammer. Attempting to fly back in, you flew in behind him and kicked him down. King skewered him, but Hendrickson easily escaped.

"No way! He's barely sustained any damage!"

"Damn! I thought I ripped that arm off. That durable armor of his is one pain in the ass."

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