Chapter 5 Mungnis and Toddlers

Start from the beginning

" No prob."

I shuffled through my bag and found some sour patch kids. before I even put one in my mouth Ashton grabbed it from me.

" Hey!"

He just smiled while eating it.

" I need some sort of reward." he said while still chomping on the sweets.

" Wow, and I thought you were actually nice, to good to be true." I said while snatching the packet from his hands and making my way to the kitchen.

When my Dado saw Ashton she gave a large glowing smile.

" Hello dado." Ashton said.

She's my dado.

I sat on the table watching Dado practically feeding Ashton while he kept complimenting and helping her.

My family practically fancies him and I'm here as the third wheel. the only people I think is not to fond of him is my brother and I can guess why.

As I munched on my candy I saw Ashton take something out of his big baggy pockets.

A sub.

Wow and ew.

" Where did you get that and how long has it been in there?" I said with a look of disgust on my face.

"Subway." he said with a grin. he then unwrapped it and started munching down in it.

" It was in my pocket since me and Elizabeth had some in the mall and decided to save it for later, better not waste it, may a swell eat it know."

It was those lobster crab subs and he was literally eat it like his life depended in it.

Wasn't Dado just feeding him? man this boy eats a lot!

I just stared at him eating and he still looked cute while eating like a complete slob!

" Want some?" he said, pointing at the sand which with a smirk.

" No thanks, you practically drooled all over it."

I said and he just licked the entire bun.

Um, ew

After a while of watching Ashton pig out I heard a loud a bang and my mom came running in screaming.

I jumped in my seat and went to the foyer to see what happened or if anyone got shot but no. my mom was there with my 3 cousins, Mariam, Omar and Youssef. Mariam was 5 years older than me and Omar was my age. Youssef was 5 years old and the most cutest thing in the world! I alway wished I had a younger sibling but my thoughts were interrupted By Mama squealing like a 13 year old in a Justin Bieber concert and I for one was totally confused.

After 30 seconds my aunt and uncle came in all smiling.

I looked back at Ashton and saw that he had a very perplex, worried and scared look.

" Mama? is everything alright?" I said as I slowly approached her.

" Oh Salma! everything is wonderful! look!" she said pointing to Mariam.

Mariam extended her hand and showed me a gleaming, diamond ring.

" I'm getting married!" she squeals and her face split into a grin. Dado came and gave her a big hug and kisses on her cheek.

Wow I can't believe my cousin is getting married! this is unbelievable!

" So who's the lucky man?"I said with a smirk on my face.

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