Clint X Reader

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Robots were everywhere, all the avengers were fighting as hard as they could, trying to save as many people as possible. Ultron was nowhere to be found, only his minions

The city was slowly falling to ruins as it was lifted off the ground, memories flashed across the youngest Maximoff's eyes. (Y/n) tried concentrating on fighting off the metal suits surrounding the streets, trying to keep the horrors of years ago at bay in the back of her mind.

Soon what seemed to be the end came, (Y/n) tried looking around for her boyfriend, hoping to see him alive after all the chaos settled down. Not even a second after she managed to see Clint lifting a small boy into his arms, did bullets pierce the air

Pietro ran over to try and save them, but his was too late. (Y/n) had used her powers to redirect the bullets from hitting Clint, Pietro, and the little boy, but instead the bullets hit her. Tearing through her skin, looking at her brother and her boyfriend one last time

With a small laugh she took one final breath and said "You didn't see that coming", falling to the ground as her brother tried his best to save her "No no no, why did you do that málo jeden (little one)" Pietro cradled his baby sister in his arms, tears running down his face

All Clint saw from the dust was bullets, pounding the ground, he quickly turned to protect the small boy in his arms. Feeling wind rush over him, he turned back only to see his world fall to the ground, her brother hoping for her to be alive

Placing the boy down he rushed over, tears in his eyes "(Y/n), why did you do that" he walked over to the sokovian boy, "she sacrificed her life, for ours" Clint grabbed her cold hand, wishing to feel the comforting touch one last time, knowing that it won't happen

"She truly did love you" Pietro spoke quietly, looking at his sister, feeling the blood slowly seep through, "She would always talk about you, saying how you were the one for her" He looked at Clint, tears running their way down his face

Miserably trying to blink back the tears that were streaming down his face, "I loved her so much, I was planning to ask her" Clint choked down a sob that made it's way up his throat, "I wanted to marry her, I just never knew how to ask... And know she's gone"

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