“Okay. Continue” Tyler said.

“Well I kissed him.  And I thought he would like it! I thought he liked me for sure. But then he told me he didn’t expect that and we should just be friends. I am so stupid. I was so upset and embarrassed that I just ran out of their crying.” I sighed and looked down.

“Cammie! He does like you! Who wouldn’t? You shouldn’t be embarrassed about this. Harry is a guy who is so use to just being with girls with no feelings. He is just scarred because what he is feeling for you is real.” Tyler explained and tears ran down my face. I wiped my eyes.

“Yeah. I guess that makes sense but I shouldn’t have kissed him. I just had the urge to do it so I did.” I said

“You should have kissed him! Now you know you really do have feelings for him. Just talk to him. Maybe things will work out.”

“No. I don’t want to be in a relationship. I am too emotionally unstable. Plus I have dance to worry about and he has One Direction.” I really did feel something for Harry but dating him would just ruin my chances as a dancer. Dance was way more important to me than a stupid boy.

“Okay well at least talk to him so you guys can at least be friends. But I have to go skype with Bridget so I will talk to you later.” He kissed me and I smiled. His kisses were filled with comfort and warmth. I hugged him so tight. I finally let go and nodded.

“Tell her I said hi.” He smiled and then I continued “Thanks Ty.” I said looking at him.

“No problem Cam.”

He closed the door and I laid on my bed. I dialed a number in my phone.


“Hi Maddie!” I said with a smile

“CAMMIE!” she screamed

“Hey kiddo. I miss you so much!”

“I miss you more! When are you coming home?” she asked

“Not for a little while but I promise I will call you when I can! What have you been up too?” I asked her.

“Well I am the captain of the soccer team!”

“That’s great Maddie! I am so proud of you!” I said smiling. I wish I could hug her. I was about to ask another question when the doorbell rand.

“Hang on Maddie, someone is at the door.” I said. I walked out of the room and I walked down the stairs. I opened the door and it was Harry.

“Hello.” He said.

“Hi” I said avoiding eye contact.

“Can we talk?” he asked

“Who are you talking to?” Maddie asked through the phone.

“Some stupid boy wants to talk to me. Should I let him?” I said with a smile. Harry was confused. I put Maddie on speaker.

“Well is he cute?” She asked. I laughed

“I don’t know you tell me.” I took a picture of him and sent it to her.

“Oh yes! He is very cute. Does he sound cute?” she asked.

“I think so. I can sing too love.” Harry said to Maddie through the phone.

“Wow I like his accent! Sing!” she demanded.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell, you don’t know….you don’t know you’re beautiful!” he looked at me the whole time as he was singing. He smiled and I blushed.

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