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*~~~~~*FYI 898 words in this Chapter*~~~~~*

"The other DNA test results are back, Your Majesty." Nurse Taylor told me one day while I was walking to the library.

"Well, who was it?"

"August Illéa."

I stand there. I'm not surprised. August has changed since the selection. He would do this to prove his point.

"My Lady, are you in shock?" The nurse asks.

"No," I respond, "Just need to go talk to Maxon."

I walked calmly around the corner and looked back to see if I was still in view of the nurse. I wasn't. I broke into a full sprint, which was difficult in heels. I stopped briefly and pulled them off. I threw them into a corner. I continued running. Once I arrived where I needed to be, I fixed my hair and went into the room.

"I need to book one, please," I said to the man behind the counter, who was organizing papers.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Anyone else?" He asked, sensing my discretion.

"No, sir. FOr right after dinner, if you please."

After dessert was served, I stood up. It was hard to resist those raspberry tarts, but I had to fulfill my plan. The table looked empty without Maxon sitting at the head. The children were digging in, their faces covered with red sauce. I whispered something into Aspen's ear. His eyes widened.

"Your Majesty, what are you-" He asked, nervous.

I raised my finger to my lips, a quick motion missed by the rest of the people at the table.

He nodded, and I left.

I was looking out the window at the beautiful view. The sun was setting behind a blanket of snow-white clouds, and the sky reminded me of the raspberry tart smeared across my children's faces. I smiled, a sad smile that was overlooked by the flight attendant.

"Would you like anything, Your Majesty?" She asked. Her voice was familiar. I turned to see Lucy standing there, with a tray of food in her hands. My smile widened but then faded as quickly as I was reminded of Aspen.

"Nothing, thank you," I said, for I was full from dinner. I opened my mouth, suddenly remembering something. "Lucy, I do, actually. May I speak with you?"

"I was hoping you would ask." She said, and smoothed her skirt, and sat in the seat opposite me.

"So, about your husband-" I started, but Lucy cut me off. I snapped my mouth shut.

"If you fire him, I resign." She stated.

I was taken aback. That was not what I expected.

"Actually, I just wanted to know how he was doing. And, I forgive him. But if something like this happens again, I have no choice but to punish him." I said. Lucy visibly relaxed.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. You have no idea how much this means."

"You're welcome. I didn't want to punish him, but it must be done if he does pose a risk to anyone's health. We might suspend him for a day or two, but that's the harshest we'll go today."

Lucy stands up, clearly pleased, and leaves my seating area. I notice a small bag left behind where Lucy was sitting. I pick it up. I feel bad to snoop, but I peek into the bag anyway.

Pregnancy tests.

I am overwhelmed with a sense of joy. Aspen hasn't been hurt by my choice to marry Maxon.

I look at all of them. Four in total. All negative. I gasp.

Lucy comes running over, and I try to zip the bag back up and place it in her seat, but it's too late. She sees me placing it back. Her face instantly turns red, and I think she's going to become mad at me, or even more mad, but instead, she sits down and starts to weep. My face turns red, and I bury my face in my hands. What have I done?

I stand up and sit in the seat adjacent to Lucy's. I gently place my hand on the small of her back and try to comfort her. I wrap my arms around her and try to be like a mother.

That makes it worse.

Lucy is bawling into my shoulder, her tears soaking my gown. I continue to rub her back and try to make her feel better, but there's no stopping the flow of tears.

I form an idea.

"Lucy, maybe I can help."

She looks up, hopeful. Her eyes are glistening.

"Maybe... well, I could carry a child for you."

She looks aghast.

"You are not, never ever, I mean never, carrying a baby with my husband!" She shrieks.

I laugh. She looks even angrier.

"I meant with Maxon," I say, even though I know I could never give up my own child.

"Really?" She asks, "Are you serious? You'd do that for me? FOr us?"

"Of course."

The plane lands an hour later.

I grab my bag, loaded with supplies, and exit. I see the taxi waiting in the parking lot. I smile, and gracefully climb in.

The driver takes off, and in minutes, we are at my destination. I hop out and walk to the house. A light goes out in one room. I see figures in the window. I climb the stairs and knock on the door to the quaint little house. I hear heavy footsteps, obviously a man's, and when he opens the door, he looks at my face, calculates for a moment, and slams the door. I knock again, this time a little harder. He opens the door again.

"August, dear, may I come in?"

It Didn't Take Me Long to Love You~~A Selection Fan FictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ