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I run straight to Aspen's room and barge in. There I find the children.

"I need General Leger for a moment," I said casually.

Aspen leaves the room with me.

"I need you to find that thief. And the one who tried to murder my husband." I said angrily.

"America... there's one problem. I think- I think-" He stutters, "I think there were three people involved in this."

After debating this possibility for a moment, I ask, "How can you be so sure it's not one person coming back again and again?"

"Because I know who disabled the blood thinner. And I'm completely positive that they are not the thief." He mutters, trying to sound innocent.

"WHO WAS IT?" I screamed, needing a name. I needed to know who it was.

"Mer, I'm sorry. I truly am. I was trying to help." He mutters, and he runs off down towards the basement.

Realization settles in. Aspen. My Aspen.

It Didn't Take Me Long to Love You~~A Selection Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now