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Every time those children scream, it makes me want to go outside with them. And when I go, there is always a person in the palace giving me more work. Work. about the castes. Work about the structure of Illéa. And work about a vacation. I think America needs one. She puts her hair in a bun almost every single day, She doesn't get as much sleep as she needs but then wakes up so early. But I don't want to leave Eadlyn, Ahren, and Kaden all alone. It just makes me afraid if there is a rebel attack when we are gone.


"Daddy..." Eadlyn says.

"What's wrong, Darling?" I ask.

"When did you and Mommy kiss?"

"I don't remember, but that doesn't mean you have to do everything that I did, Do you know that?'

Eadlyn, with tears in her eyes, says " But, I want to be just like you!"

" You can, sweetheart, but-"

Then Eadlyn starts having a temper tantrum. Screaming. Throwing clothes and shoes.

" I am Eadlyn Schreave, and no one is more powerful than me!" She yells.

She throws a shoe at America's mirror and the mirror falls with a terrible crash.

I push Eadlyn away and cover her head. I can feel glass cutting my shirt and going through my skin. Then I hear guards yelling for me to get out, and America screaming for me to come to her. I stand up and carry Eadlyn to the hospital ward to see if she has any injuries.

America grabs Eadlyn out of my hands and gives her to a guard.

"Maxon, you're bleeding! YOU need to go to the ward." She yells.

America likes our arms together, and she has to hold me up.

"Aspen, I need some help!" She yells.

Aspen comes over, amazed at what is happening.

"Stop looking and help!" She yells.

Aspen comes to my other side, and I fade in and out of consciousness.

It Didn't Take Me Long to Love You~~A Selection Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now