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We all watched in horror as the pterodactyl let her go in mid-air to only get picked up by another pterodactyl with its long beak that was flying beneath Zara. Then THAT pterodactyl let her go, but to our horror, there wasn't any pterodactyl that was under her to catch her, and so she may have landed in a large body of water.

Well, more like she landed in the water exhibit. . .

In some dinosaur's territory. . .

And by some dinosaur, I mean the Mosasaurs. This might as well be known as Zara's watery grave. The three pterodactyls dove into the water after her and one of them came out with a screaming and drenched Zara to only dip her in the water again. We all ran to the railings of the water's edge where the fence had blocked off the drop. Zach, Gray and I watched as Zara was being dipped into the water as if she were McDonald's chicken nugget and the pool was Sweet and Sour sauce.

Then the mother herself, the mosasaurs done her famous leap and ate the pterodactyl that had Zara caught in her beak, eating Zara too. I stood there, mouth agape. "Hell Nah!" I said turning my head around, not wanting to see anymore.

"Go! Get inside now!" said Zach as he pushes Gray away from the fence and urged me to run along with him towards a shop, but when we all stopped in our tracks because we heard a voice calling out our names from a far distance, one of the blasted pterodactyls had crashed into the glass pane of a shop the boys and I were going to take cover in.




"No, we gotta go! No time for standing around!" said Zach as he watched the stupid pterodactyl get up from a crashing impact.

Zach, Gray and I ran towards the direction of the voice that we thought was coming from. "Aunt Claire!" Zach yelled.

"Go! Go!" said Gray.

As I searched the crowd, I finally spotted her, it looked like she had crawled out from the depths of 10 hells out of 28 for something, or rather someone, but judging the fact that she was calling out for us, it seems like she was looking for us in particular, and that she had gone through hell and back to find us. Her hair was no longer shiny, straight or perfect, it was rather the opposite, it was dirty, messy and wavy. Her face no longer glowing and filled with natural makeup, it was dirty, scratched, sweaty. Her white uniform was no longer neat, organised or tidy, her white coat was unbuttoned, I dare say it was actual loose, and you could see the purple singlet she wears underneath that coat. Her white skirt that fell below the knees was extremely dirty as if she crawled through a trench in the middle of a war zone, but at the very hem of her skirt was ripped all along the edges, but on one side, there was a massive slit starting at her thigh and down, but insanely enough, she was still wearing her nude hills.

As she stood on top of an overturned Ice Cream cart, still searching for us, I noticed her facial expression, she was scared, worried, nervous, and extremely anxious . . .

I have never seen her act like this before, like, I never seen this side of Claire since . . . After I was discovered. Now that I think of it, this whole time, Claire wasn't acting or staging any of this . . . She was being real about it all this time, and I was the bimbo who thought she was faking it . . . Man, I feel more than terrible. . .

Right, I can't change the past but I can change my future, starting now with a new objective, get the boys over to Claire.

"Claire!" Zach yelled.

I looked back in time to see a pterodactyl thinking about swooping us three just by judging the body structure, but at the point, I'm so grateful that I've learned off survival skills from a T - Rex. "Shit! Run!" I yelled as I pushed the boys forward to only go after them with difficulties with pain shooting like crazy on my left side. The pterodactyl was slowly lowering itself down while gliding behind us. 

Zach suddenly falls over which sent Gray tripping over Zach and me stacking on top of them like how some stores make 2 layers of ice cream sundaes, Zach at the bottom, Gray in the middle, and me, I was the cherry on top. We quickly dissembled off of each other and backed away while on the floor with shattered glass everywhere until our backs were pressed against the wall.

As we all panicked to see the pterodactyl gliding towards the ground, it began to slide quickly towards us with no choice of stopping, it was definitely gonna impale Gray since he was in the middle. Come on, Ira, think! Your cousin will be impaled if you don't do something!! Didn't you set a new objective to deliver them to Claire, say, I don't know, ALIVE, you oblivious baboon! 

I bravely crawled on top of Gray's lap to only get stabbed in the shoulder in time. I suppressed the temptation to yell in spite of being in pain, but I let a few groans out, as there is no time to be worried about getting help now, our main priority was to get to safety. Zach slowly removed himself, grabbed Gray out from behind me to only push me further back against the wall and pushed the unconscious pterodactyl back with all his might. Gray helped drag me out and I was on my feet, Zach raced to my side. "Are you alright?!"He asked.

"Yeah, I can still move my arm around, so nothing important is damaged," I informed him.

"You saved Gray . . . Thank you," Zach smiled before bringing me into a hug. I pulled away after a minute and looked around Zach's shoulder to see Claire. Zach snaps around in time to see Claire shooting a tiny pterodactyl that was trying to chow down the Raptor man's face, with some gun.

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