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"Follow and link hands," I hissed.

Gray held onto my hand and Zach held onto Gray's hand. I led them through the thickest of the crowd as we ran together. I finally got them out of the T-Rex's enclosure and away from the  Innovation Centre. I quickly dragged them to the Mosasaurs enclosure, where is was most unlikely to find the three of us. 

We skipped the queue due to our VIP wristbands and selected whatever seat we wanted to sit in, which was the middle row in the middle seats. Slowly everyone was spewing into their founded seats, row by row, slowly filling up. While the people take their time getting into their seats, Gray and I were talking about Dinosaurs, and by then, I felt like I could open up to them about anything, finally, I felt at ease all the while Zach was on Tinder, checking out chicks. 

Heh, Lame!

"The Mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water where it preyed on anything it could sink its teeth into, including turtles, large fish, even smaller mosasaurs." Our crew member that was in charge of looking after the marine dinosaurs, Crysta Vetter said. Crysta suddenly turns around and peers into the water before pulling the microphone that was just hanging above her head, closer to her mouth.

"Okay, folks, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today. She's a little shy, so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out," Crysta informed the audience. They reeled in a massive dead shark just above the water, using the zipline feeding sequence. We suddenly see, from our elevated seats, a dark shadow rapidly swimming around.

"Zach! Zach!" said Gray shaking his brother as his eyes never left the water. By the time Zach looks up, the massive Mosasaurus leaped in the air with her jaws wide open to sink her teeth into the dead massive shark and pull down with gravity and weight by her side which resulting in her making a massive splash that sprinkled medium-sized droplets onto everyone in the audience, including us. Everyone burst out applauding. Zach and Gray exchanged a shocked, satisfied and joyful look. I couldn't help but feel great about making my cousins happy, which was pretty unusual for me, but I liked the feeling of making someone happy. . .  Aside from Claire . . .  I kinda wanna make her miserable.

"THE MOSASAURUS!" Exclaimed Gray in a squeaky voice.

"My God!" said Zach, leaving his mouth agape.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Gray yelled while shaking the life out of Zach.

Suddenly, our once elevated chairs begin to sink with the ground. "Hold on tight! We're gonna give you an even closer look at our Mosasasurus," said Crysta. We were slowly going under to reveal a clear glass screen in front of us to see what was going on underwater with the mosasaurs. The Mosasaurus in question was ripping her dead prey apart as small pieces of flesh and organs and such were slowly floating up towards the surface as the blood swirled around in the water.

"IT HAD 88 TEETH!" Gray exclaimed once again.

"Wanna see something else cool?" I asked as I leaned forward to look at Gray and Zach.

"YEAH!" Both of them said at the same time.

10 minutes later, our seats were pushed up and Zach, Gray and I, were the first ones to get up and bolt for the exit first. With the excitement pumping in our veins, I bet neither of us would want it to die down just by waiting for people to get up and move SLOWLY towards the exit or seeing a face WE ALL didn't like.

Gray, Zach, and I ran all the way to the other side of the park to go check out the raptors on my authority. Just as I walked up to the stairs, some yells out "PIG ON THE LOOSE! PIG ON THE LOOSE!" and one of the crewmates got a long stick to swoop the running pig that was in the raptor's enclosure. I quickly race to the top in time to see the Raptor from below charged at the pig AND the stick at the same time, making the person holding the stick get slingshot right into the now to be an arena where he had to play survival of the fittest. Judging by how he'd react when he sat up, looking around, confused, that's how I know that he was new here.

Within a heartbeat, I whipped around and faced Zach and Gray, "Stay here!" I told them. I whipped back around and jumped off from the fence and freefall inside the raptor's enclosure. I felt like I knew what I was going to do, I CAN communicate with dinosaurs after all, and it time to put that skill into use, I just hope my negotiation skills are better.

"IRA!" Both boys cried from above. I got myself up and ran to the new guy and helped him up up to his feet.

"Boys! I said stay there!" I yelled. I turned to the new guy and pushed him towards the steel fence, "Go. Towards the gates," I told him as I watched the approaching raptors come to an immediate stop just a few feet away from me.

I gave a low warning inhuman growl at the raptors as they started to close in around me slowly. "Aye, let's start on a good foot, yeah? I'm Ira, I mean no harm or intruding anyone's territory here," I whispered to them. 

A Raptor with a blue streak from the side of its head that traveled down to its body and to the tip of the tail had suddenly jerked its head up when I said territory. "What ARE you doing here then?" SHE asked.

"To collect a young lad that may have accidentally fallen in, but honestly, we're just going away now," I said, still speaking in dino-speak.

"Wait a minute? Ira, is it? Are you the one that was raised by the T-rex family?" said the Raptor who looked mostly goldish brown with faint blue stripes on its body.

"OOh, T-rex aye? A dinosaur that has a higher status than us Raptors! We actually have someone that's in a higher position than Blue! This kid's the alpha now!" said the Raptor who looked light green with grey stripes. Then an alarm started to blare loudly right behind me, and it made the four raptors and myself flinch at the sudden noise that meant the back gate was opening.

"Owen, no!" someone called.

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