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"Got it," I replied. I could feel Blue slowing down, same with the others. My heart was thumping hard, yes, I am nervous, my cousins and I were being hunted by this dinosaur and now, I have to be face to face with it and expect it not to eat me. Owen, his assistant and the truck reduced their speed quicker than I expected them to. Blue suddenly started to jog before walking again.

"Alright! Come out where ever you are!" Blue yelled.

I looked behind me to see Owen who already stopped far behind with men with guns trained onto the Raptor's backs. Owen himself got off his motorbike, got his gun and an army of humans with guns began to follow us. When the Raptors stopped in their tracks, they suddenly looked up.

"She's right in front of us, get off and hide close by," Blue told me. I hopped off of Blue and hid in the bushes and watched from there.

"Hellooo," said Delta.

"Be patient, hogbreath!" Blue snapped.

Then the sound of heavy stomping erupted in the air, the ground beneath us was shaking violently as the sound of a different roar echoed in the distance. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!" The Rex yelled back. I looked at Owen's group to see they have their beams on and they were raised just above the raptors who looked like they were about to pounce on something at this very moment.

"Come out of hiding you wuss!" Delta yelled.

"Delta! I swear to god! Shut up!" Blue shushed her by smacking her tail at Delta's face.

Then the trees up ahead got knocked to the side, in front of us, was the indominus rex standing before us. "What did you say to me?!" the Indominus Rex barked at the raptors who stood their ground. Then they stayed quiet for a moment before the indominus rex starts speaking again, "I'll show you what a wuss is!"

"No need, Delta is always rude, my apologies," Blue said.

"Whattaya want, peasants!" The indominus Rex said with such aggression.

Blue looks at me, cocking her head to the side. "Well, the Carnivore clan leader's daughter wants to have a chat with you," said Blue.

"Carnivore clan leader's daughter? That's some title," The Indominus Rex said. I immediately got out from the bush "Oh, look, it's you again?! You're taking orders from her!"

"Cool your hills! She was raised by Rex's family for over 5 years! She acts more animal-like, but she's here to make a valuable deal here, aren't you, Ira," Blue explained then cocked her head towards me.

"Yes. That's right. I came here to make a deal. If you help us in defeating the human species, which I hope wouldn't be a problem, I can promise all the dinosaurs to have their own freedom from their cells, but we need to get rid of these human pests first," I said as I pointed behind me, talking in dino-speak. "They're the ones who are in the way,"

"Ah, she speaks the dino tongue, impressive," said the indominus rex, clearly showing interest. "I like the deal very much, we have an accord," The indominus straightened herself up. I turned around and looked back at Owen to see him furrowing his face at me, of course, he doesn't look scared for me, but his face does show some concern.

This is it.
Freedom starts now.

"Hear that, fellow Raptors, we have an accord, do whatever you like," I said as I looked at the four raptors and back at the group. I turned to the white Rex. "Hide. They're here to kill you!" I shouted.

I walked behind the Raptors and faced Owen's team who was now staring at me. Giving me their confused face. "The deal is sealed!!" I yelled in English. "Screw you, Hoskins," and I put the middle finger up, in hopes that there are body cameras on the security team's vest, and I really do hope Hoskins is watching this.

"Ira! What are you talking about?! What's going on!" Owen yelled.

"You are dismissed now," I said to the raptors in English.

"ENGAGE!" One of the men yelled. The Rex ducked down in time as the Raptors charged at Owen's team as I just casually stood there. "Come with me!" said the rex as she runs off back into the woods, I followed, matching her running speed.

"IRAAA!" Owen yelled.

I ran in front of the rex so I could direct her away from danger, but I was mainly running straight, which was kind of a bad idea as to something just behind us exploded and erupted with flames that got the white rex burned badly on her behind while my own new injuries were now minor. The white rex fell which made the whole ground shake, which sent me up in the air and flopped onto the ground, like fish out the water.

"Come on! Up on your feet!" I said as I got up myself and tried to encourage the rex to do the same. The rex rolled on her stomach and with the little hands she has, she pushed herself up and we went running again.

"What do I call you, little human?" The Rex asked.

"Ira," I replied. "Go hide! I'll help others!" I said. I ran back to the scene and bumped into Blue who was hiding underneath the tall grass with Echo, Charlie and Delta. "What's happening?" I whispered.

"The firing squad is spreading out, guns at the ready," Echo informed me.

"Ok, so, I'm gonna try and distract them, send them running in another direction and away from you guys," I replied.

"Ira," said Blue before I left. "Please, be careful," hearing that made me smile. 

I looked around to see men with their hands on their guns, trigger at the ready, "No promises!" I whispered. Judging by my clothing, it was still good for wear, just a bit bloody and dirty. I'd probably look like a monster to them, I wouldn't be surprised if they do shoot me. I stood up straight and began to walk to the side as I saw Owen's team approaching forward. I let out a little replica of a raptor's warning growl, just so I can guide the firing squad away from the raptors.

"Over there!" Someone called and I just somehow knew that their attention is now directed at me.

I finally got out of hiding from cowering behind a tree. Beams were suddenly trained on me. "There's no point in fighting," I said, hoping that I wouldn't get shot.

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