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(Update(19/12/21): Video)

"No, only the driving part," said Zach smirking at me and Gray. "Hold on!"

"What . . . " I said. "Okay, now I'm a little scared. Seat belts everyone!" I said as I reached for mine and pulled it across me and buckled it in.

As if what it felt like, Zach punched the pedal as hard as he can and we zoomed out of the garage with me and Gray screaming. We drove through some vines that smacked us all in the face, telling us that we shouldn't be doing this, but in reality, we should cause we don't want to die today, or at all for that matter! 

Zach followed a strange bumpy path that led us somewhere, and I hope it led us somewhere good! As we followed the path for a good ten minutes, we couldn't help but celebrate that we didn't see or hear any dinosaurs on our journey. The path got us out of the forest and made us continue on, that was until Zach thought it was a good idea to drive into some fence that was easy to smash open with a car that was going full speed ahead. "Speed bump!" he called as we all laughed it down.

"Okay, that's it! . . . We're safe now," Zach said which made me have the best feeling of relief ever. I looked around to check if anything was following us by secret, after all, this jeep was REALLY noisy, although, something did catch my attention, flying right above were pterodactyls.

"Oh hell Nah!" I said.

"What?" said Zach.

"Go! Go!" said Gray smacking the dashboard in front of him, also noticing the grave problem from above.

I looked back in front of me to see Zach looking in the mirror above him, his blood draining out of his face as he realised that this is not good. Our car didn't exactly have a hood to shield all of us, especially from pterodactyls. Zach once again stepped onto the pedal as hard as he can and we zoomed off, following the path in front of us in pursuit.

"HURRY UP!" Gray yelled.

The path led us back into the forest for 20 more minutes and we were out in the open again, this time, we arrived at the back of the park. We saw a great big grey wall with a gate that said in white print in a blue background, Gate 5. There were two patrol people standing from above looking at us.

"Hey!" Gray shouted.

"Help!" Zach shouted. Zach then thought it was a good idea to honk three times, just to make sure we did catch their attention.

"Open the gate!" I yelled.

"Let us in!" - Gray

"Open it up!" - Zach


"Come on!" - Gray

"Open up!" - me

"Come on!" - Zach




"LET US IN!" - Gray

As Zach begins to slow down, the pterodactyls from above started squawking loudly. "Disembark your vehicle at once and we'll let you in!" One of the soldiers yelled. Without hesitation, we all undrew our seatbelts and hopped right off the car. Zach didn't bother to kill the engine, he hopped out from the front and came to the back to collect me, only this time I wasn't swooped into his arms, instead, he helped me get out of the car quickly as I was able to, he held onto both of my arms tightly as I put all my weight down onto it. The gate in front of us began to open, and we three began to race towards it, ducking right under at the earliest opportunity that was given.

Once we were on the other side of the wall, we saw crowds scrambling for cover as sirens began to blare out loud, causing public panic. Zach, Gray and I found ourselves in the middle of a running crowd and we decided to join them, though, we knew for a fact that we needed to take shelter immediately because there were flying dinosaurs above our heads and the best thing we could possibly do was to hide, but as we were running, so was the face we wish we didn't see.

Zara . . .

Claire's assistant . . . At first, I felt glad that I saw someone that I knew and that I could finally relieve Zach and Gray from my horrid care . . . I shamefully have to admit that, I care for these boys and I am scared that if I lose them, it would be because of me, and if they get hurt, I'd feel guilty for it. Unlike Claire, I bet she didn't know we all went out in the restricted area, only if she knew, I don't know who will be more dead, the boys or me.

Deep down, I sometimes do wish that she cared, and if she did, I would totally run into her arms crying, like all people, they would do anything to feel safe at this point, so if it means running in Claire's arms, I would be happy to, just to feel safe, loved and care for.

Zara looked in our direction and automatically had found us. "Guys, start running!" I called as I gestured with my head about Zara.

"Right, scatter!" said Zach, and then he scooped me into his arms once again. The boys began to run in different directions, leaving Zara clueless on who to get first.

"STOP RUNNING!" Zara yelled at us.

Zach stopped dead in his tracks and stopped Gray using only his leg, that a pterodactyl was about to zip past him, but as I said, Zach stopped Gray in time before he literally got stabbed to the ground. After that close encounter, the boys continued to run forward to only stop a few feet away again, this time, we looked around, mainly watching out for Zara, but if anything else, we were looking out for pterodactyls and probably Claire.

I noticed that Zara ran past us but later stopped on the spot to search for us. I looked up at the sky to see a pterodactyl that was about to dive into the crowd, to either stab people with their huge SHARP beaks or taking them up in the sky to drop them on the ground or fly back to their nest with the victim still in their claws.

Gray got scared about that, so he ran forward, but Zach quickly slung me over his shoulder to grab his brother by the collar of his shirt and yanked him back in time before a pterodactyl could snatch him off for lunch. Zach set me down, I held him tightly as he has an arm wrapped around me tightly, keeping me close to him. Zara finds us and calmly walked over to us to only yell at our faces, "DON'T JUST STAND THERE!" As if the situation wasn't terrifying enough, a pterodactyl grabbed both of her shoulders with their massive talons and flew up.

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