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(Update(19/12/21): Video)

"Woah, I-I'm not the alpha here, this isn't my territory!" I said, trying not to make any dinosaurs here upset with my presence or my so-called 'status'.

"Okay pip, I don't care if you came from a T-rex's family! This is MY territory and since you're in it, you're my prey now! " said the Raptor with the long blue stripe with a nasty snarl, and like that, her plan of attack was predictable at first, she leapt forward. I quickly slipped to the side, making her miss me just by an inch, if I lingered any second later, I would get hooked by those claws of hers. I quickly rolled to the side and got up on my feet automatically, observing her stance to see her next move. 

"Woah! Please, listen, I'm not trying to take your territory or anything like that!" I said.

Just then, I saw the new staff member crawl through the tiny space the gate was giving while it was still rolling up slowly. People up on the bridge started to crowd around to watch, and some others had readied their tranq guns at the Raptors, but if they weren't careful with their aim, they might accidentally shoot me, and then I'll be really dead, not from the sudden overdose, but I would become the feisty Raptor's first-course main meal.

I ran toward's their little resting station, when after play hour is finished, the Raptors would have to come to their resting station to have a metal contraption around their head so they couldn't kill the other Raptors in their own sleep. I ran towards that resting station in full speed, not afraid of the closed wall I might smack into, but I ran towards the wall regardless, in a full mad sprint before planting one of my foot on the wall, and push myself up with the other so I was running up ONTO the wall with gravity on my side for a split second. I suddenly jumped off the wall to only do a triple backflip and land on Blue's back by accident.

"Awwww Shit! Blue is going doooooown towwwwwn, you guys!" said the mostly forest green Raptor.

"Shit indeed!" I said in human speak. 

My plan was to land behind her, but I guess it was not enough pushing power that I needed. At this point, I was really afraid. Feisty suddenly ran with all her might, giving it her all. She tried jumping just to buck me off of her back like how a wild horse has done, but that didn't work because when you're scared shitless and you have a tendency to hold onto something so tight you can't be shaken off, well, that was me right now.

"GO IRA!" The boys from above cheered. Feisty suddenly dropped to the ground and rolled. . . And that got me off. I quickly stood up before she did and we both gave each other a glare. A guy rolled out from under the gate and got up and ran to the middle of the enclosure. "No, No! Hold your fire," he said as he raised both hands in the air.

"Ready for round two, T-Rex cub!" Feisty snarled.

"Blue, stop it!" The guy yelled as he looked at Feisty from behind, but Feisty's attention didn't budge. "HEY!" The guy grabbed 'Blue's' attention by clapping his hand aggressively towards her face. She immediately whipped around and that gave me the opportunity to slowly and quietly slip away and a bit far away from Blue. "HOLD YOUR FIRE! DO NOT FIRE!" The guy yelled for the men above to hear us. The gate stopped beeping and it stayed halfway open. "PUT 12 AMPS IN THESE ANIMALS, THEY'RE NEVER GONNA TRUST ME AGAIN!"

I looked at the new guy, he was deathly scared, still looking paler than the colour white. The man who was getting the Raptor's attention's assistant grabs the new guy and drags him into the safe zone. He suddenly looks up at me, which made Blue and the three raptors turn to look at me. "Blue! Stand down!" The man warned.

Blue ignored and started to stalk towards me, with little energy I had, I still stood my ground, but then the goldish brown Raptor had suddenly crept to the side without Blue knowing, and when Blue was getting too close to me all the while ignoring the man's shout from behind, Goldie suddenly came at Blue at a full run and tackled her down, and I still stood there, frozen, shocked.

Blue kicked Goldie off, but Goldie came back on her feet and the rest of the three Raptors came charging towards me alongside Blue as I have my back pressed against the wall. I quickly looked away, not wanting to see how this will be the end of me.

The painful impact didn't come, and that's when I took a sneak peek to see the three Raptors in front of me with Blue who was the only one on the other side. "Step aside, all of you!" Blue parked.

"No," said Greenie. "Please do keep in mind that we're part of the carnivore clan!

"What does that have to do with the human!?

"Who's in charge of the carnivore's clan?

"The T-rex of course! Have you gone daft?"

"Right, right, and who do you think raised her?"

"Oh my god, Delta, get straight to the point already!

"Kill this human and our leader would know about it, she's her daughter for crying out loud! Blue, I thought you were smarter than this!" said Delta smartly.

Blue began to growl which caused the other Raptors to growl back at her. "BLUE! What did I just say? Stand down!" said the man, continuing with the yelling. Then he clapped his hands loud enough to make the four raptors have their full attention on him. 

Goldie turned to me, "Hey, my name's Echo, jump on my back, I'll get you across without being pounced on," She said as she turned around again and gave me her back.

"Uh, a-are you sure?" I said.

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