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(Update(19/12/21): Video)

I stepped inside first and I was slowly welcomed in enveloped darkness and a sudden temperature change to instant coolness. I felt dreamy and at first, I didn't know what was going on . . . Although, I do know one thing . . . The pain I had . . . Was suddenly gone. I relaxed as I bathed in the cool darkness after I was exposed to so much heat throughout the day. Something felt wrong, the place was silent and the pain felt unusually numb. . .

Shit, am I dead?!

No no no!

Wake up, Ira! You can't leave your cousins, you can't leave them like this, they're vulnerable and don't have the survival skills to be out here with roaming dinosaurs as you do. Wake up, Ira, come on!

Ira, if you don't wake up now, Rexy will rage, she'll turn on the carnival clan! Wake up, Ira, do it for Rexy!

I was starting to feel pain on my side as I was slowly regaining my strength, my head began to throb with pain as if I took a fall down the stairs. I fluttered my eyes open to see Zack above me, looking around desperately for something as his face was a bit red with tears streaming down both of his cheeks.

"What's up with you?" I said with a smile.

Zach looks down with his upset face, but once he registered that I was here, that I was awake, he scoops his arms behind my back and brought me into a tight hug. "Ira, you're okay?!" his voice was muffled, he probably has his head buried in my shoulder, as it is getting awfully warm there.

"I think I am," I said.

"Don't move too much, you'll probably faint again," said Zach.

"What are you talking about? We have to keep moving," I told him as I sat my self up quickly. 

"Not too fast- You know what, we're gonna do this instead," Zach said as he scooped me into his arms, carrying me bridal style. Zach turned to Gray who had a torch in hand, "Come on, let's go," said Zach, Gray nodded. The light source we had, aided the boy's path as we all ventured deeper in the building together, staying close to the walls as it does give us a feeling of some security, and that we don't get lost and that we're more likely to find a door for a quick escape.

Gray finds another door and pushes it to the side to reveal a room. Once Gray stepped inside of it first with the torch in hand, the light brightens the room up, and we all saw two cars parked next to each other. A row of unused helmets on our far right side with tools sprawled everywhere on the floor. Next to the door were bright yellow raincoats with the Jurassic Park symbol.

Zach was examining the jeep that was caked with dirt, and vines hanging above it. "1992 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, Sand Beige." Gray read out words that were imprinted on the car's door.

Zach looks at him. "You remember when we fixed up Grandpa's old Malibu, right?" He said.

"Yeah?" Gray looks at Zach.

"Ira, I'm going to leave you in the car, alright? Rest . . . And don't move as much!" He said as he opened the door to the backseats and gently laid me down on the seat cushions. "We're getting out of here, today. Gray, you're helping me," said Zach as he retreats back and closes the door. 

I adjusted myself to sit up and lean against the door behind me and watched the boys as they been put to work. Gray and Zach went over to what it seems like a garage gate, and with all the strengths they had left, they lift the gate all the way up. As they have done that, I've done some cleaning, wiping the dirt off, pulling some vines off which were wedged into the seats. At least it'll give me something to do and keep my mind off from a few certain things.

The boys work hard enough to take the engine out from the wrecked cart that was leaning against the tree safely, but as they did so, a twig snapped loudly and it sounded like something was getting close. We all looked around, paranoid again that it might've been the White Rex, if it found us again, watching us like it did last time to only try ripping us apart! "You think it's out there?" Zach asked. I looked over at Gray who looks like he was about to pass out.

"It better not," I replied, just to cool off his nerves, but not entirely. I think it should be best if we all stay a little bit more alert in these parts of the woods we were all unfamiliar with.

Suddenly, Zach took the hint, "Oh, I mean, I know for a fact it is definitely not out there, all right?" said Zach, "We're totally safe, just as long as Ira is awake, we're a pretty untouchable team," Zach lightly punched Gray's shoulder.

"Sure we are, I mean, it looks like this place is going to cave in eventually if you know what I mean?" I said sarcastically.

I caught Zach smiling as he turns his head to the side, trying to hide it. "Here, take this," said Zach as he gives Gray the old engine. "You're stronger than me," he said as he walks towards the garage with Gray waddling behind him. Once they came inside, Gray came inside of the car with me, but he sat on the driver's seat, and I was soothing out Gray's anxiety as I told him about my past when I lived with 3 T-rexes back in the day while Zach was working on the engine, probably listening in as he was fixing the tires and disconnecting the old wires to only connect them with new ones. The boys were genuinely surprised about my past and they eventually connected the dots to why I handled the Velociraptor very well than expected.

"All right. Turn it over," said Zach taking a step back. Gray leaned forward and pressed a red button. The car purred to life which startled all of us. "Whoo!" said Zach.

"It works!" said Gray happily.


Gray slipped back into the front passenger's seat while I shifted myself to the middle back seat while Zach climbs aboard in the front seat. He turns over to look at me, "Hang in there, Ira, we're gonna get you some help soon," he told me as he turned back over and focused on what was ahead of him.

"Wait . . . I thought you failed your driver's test!" Gray said as he looked up at his big brother.

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