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Staying behind would mean Claire, Owen, Zach and Gray would leave, and I probably wouldn't see them again, and I won't even have the chance to get to know them properly. If I chose to go, that would mean I won't see Blue and her Raptors, I wouldn't see Rexy or any dinosaur I knew and friends with.

I looked at Claire, but a question had sparked up in my head and I just needed to know one thing, whether it'd help with the choice I had to make. Did Claire abandon me because she didn't love me enough? Was she forced to kill her own child because someone was blackmailing her? "Claire, you abandoned me for a reason . . . Why?" I asked as I approached her.

Claire sighed heavily, it seems that she was hoping that we would avoid this conversation, "Ira, you were not the original child I had in the first place. My child didn't make it past 3 years old because she was unfortunately unsupervised by my first assistant in the park, so she fell into the mosasaur's enclosure and drowned, her intention was to go have a closer look but as you can see that got her killed, so I asked Henry to duplicate you because I couldn't afford to be a mother who didn't have a second chance and that's when I fired my first assistant and hired another, Zara. Although instead of Henry doing the normal procedure where he could get the genes from both parents and put you in an artificial womb, he didn't do that, he did something completely different, and it didn't help that the fact that everything Henry puts in his DNA recipe is often classified. I don't know what you are but I will still love you the same," Claire explained.

"How did I end up in a T-Rex's enclosure?" I asked.

"Henry stuffed up, adding things to your DNA that shouldn't have been added, so he tried getting rid of you by throwing you into a T-Rex's enclosure, hoping you'd get eaten or die from a falling impact. I was later notified that he couldn't do such things because it was 'impossible' and that you had died in the process,"

"So you're saying, Henry added Dinosaur DNA to Ira and he didn't tell either of us about that and later on thought it was all a mistake and . . . what . . . give up?" Said Owen.

"Why does it matter to you, Owen," I snapped.

Claire and Owen looked at each other immediately before both of them looked away and put some small distance between the two. Then it clicked. He's my father, isn't he?

"Are you seri-"

"Yeah, he told me this after the cleaners found you 5 years later and brought you back to me, he told me what he had done because he owes me a goddammed explanation from after what he has done . . ." said Claire, avoiding my eye.

"Ira, listen to me, you must now stay away from him. He knows that you WERE alive, but now he thinks you've gone all rogue with the Indominus Rex and somehow died again." Owen said as we were both now walking towards each other as if we were somewhat compelled to do so.

"Rogue? Excuse me?" I said.

"I know, but If he knows you're still alive, he MIGHT just know what you're capable of. You have traits of a T-rex now because, you know . . . You grew up with the Rexes, and you can speak any dino language, but who knows, you could turn into something else later on. If Henry has you in his lab, the worst-case scenario is that he'll use you to make something even worse than the Indominus Rex, but then again, that's the worst-case scenario," Owen explained.

"Oh, I doubt Henry would even do that," Claire said.

"How can you be so sure about that?" I asked as I looked at her.

She started walking towards Owen and I, "Well, you're on an island filled with all sorts of terrifying dinosaurs, I bet he won't even step foot onto here if given the chance," She smiled as we were now finally talking face to face rather than distance from distance.

"Claire . . . I'm so sorry after all these years . . . I didn't know," I said as tears started to well up in my eyes. 

"No, you couldn't have known that," she said as she brought me into a tight hug and started to cry herself.

We finally forgave each other and that's something we both thought we could never do because I could hold grudges and be mean to a specific person for a long time, but today is different, I finally learnt to accept the past and to accept Claire.

"So what happens now?" I asked as I pulled away.

"I'm not sure," Claire looks at Owen.

"Alright, time to go! Rexy, let's go, Ira, you're coming with us!" said Blue as I heard her stomping towards us from behind. Claire and Owen quickly jogged back as Blue sinks her teeth into my shirt, lifts me off the ground and ran off.

"Blue, what are you doing!" I asked, clearly confused at this point.

"You heard them, they practically said that you need to stay away from the Henry dude, your best shot would be staying here on the island with us," Blue replied.

"But . . . I didn't even get to say goodbye . . ." I said as my heart felt like it was beating in pain from being pulled away from a loved one.

"Look, it's not the end of the world, I'm sure they'll come to visit sometime, they'll know you'll be alright and that this is the best for you," said Blue.

* * *

The end.

Thank you guys for reading, voting and saving this book in your libraries, I'm glad that a lot of you enjoyed the book as much as I enjoyed writing and posting this book for the purpose of your entertainment. Although, if you want a continuation, like a book 2 about how Ira lives on the island with the dinosaurs roaming free and furthermore ideas to come if you would like that - Just let me know in the comments on this chapter to "continue,"

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