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Rexy had time to run back at the rex with a mad dash to only tackle her down. The rex got back up and scratched Rexy's face. Rexy reacted differently, she ducked down and winced in pain, the rex takes advantage of that, she knocks Rexy on the ground and tries to break one of her windpipes with her jaw trying to lock in place but couldn't because Rexy was still fighting back by moving her head all over the place. Claire grabs my shoulder and forces me to run to the side to hide behind two big thick rocks, just in time some objects or pieces from buildings went flying everywhere.

Rexy's head was shoved in a souvenir shop, but when she got out, Claire yelled. "RUN!" Suddenly, the 2 boys and 1 adult jumped out of the gift shop and ran towards us. The rex kept having a go at Rexy's neck which made Rexy off balance and fell limply onto the floor, probably the lack of oxygen she was getting, she needs to recover her stamina.

"REXY!" I yelled as I stood up. I felt my two wrists had been snatched and pinned to the ground and a hand clamped over my mouth, Owen came into view. "We gotta be quiet, do not give us away or else we won't survive the rest of the night!" Owen whispered. I quickly and aggressively rolled onto my side, making Owen face plant and release me entirely. I got up in time to see Rexy still lying on the floor and the rex walking up to her to give Rexy her end.

"It's all over . . . I win!" Said the rex.

"You bitch!" Rexy croaked and brought her head down, accepting the fact that she lost and the rex won. It really did hurt me in a way I've never felt before, knowing that the mother who has raised you practically all of your life and that you both have a really close connection to . . . was about to be broken and gone forever.

"YOU AWFUL STINKY WRENCH!" Another voice yelled. I looked back at the innovation Centre to see Blue up on her feet.

"BLUE!" I yelled.

"Oh look, it's you," The rex snarled.

I felt a new rush of hope, I turned to the group, "Go, while we still have a chance," I told them. The group quickly rushed to get on their feet and bolted away. I ran with Claire, Zach, Owen and Gray, I was behind everyone making sure no one will be left behind. We were running past the fighting dinosaurs and into a massive souvenir shop, but then Blue suddenly flew into the window and made me trip over her. "Hi, Ira," she said cheerfully as she lifts herself up and ran back to the window to smash through it again and join the fight outside.

"Hi, Blue!" I called out as I got myself up. We kept running forward and I put some speed into my heel that way I could lead the group, "this way," I yelled as I pointed towards the exit or entrance of the shop. Just as I was about to run out, someone from behind suddenly pulled me back in time before I got crushed by 4 massive big feet.

"Watch your surroundings," Claire snapped. We stayed there to watch Rexy push the rex into another building that burst into flames. The rex fell against the building and slowly slid down.

"YOU MESS WITH MY CHILD, YOU MESS WITH ME!!!!" Rexy yelled. Rexy grabbed onto the rex's neck and spins her around to release her in front of the Mosasaur's enclosure. The rex got up and threw Blue who was still on her back, surviving the mayhem. I could see both Rexy and Blue were beginning to flag, both were tired and exhausted.

The rex got up, "Listen here you fools! All of you! You could never bring me down even if you wanted to! I will rule the entire world once I am done with you all!" The rex yelled. Before The rex ran to attack, the mosasaurs leapt out of the water, land on the electric fence, snapped her jaws onto the rex's neck and slowly dragged her back into the water. "Ow! Hey! Let go!" The rex yelled.

"Not in 65 million years!" The Mosasaurus responded with a hum.

Both dinosaurs submerged underwater, one drowning to her death and the other one that's probably having the best meal in her lifetime. Claire, Zach, Owen and Gray were all shaking, breathing hard while staring up at Rexy, scared that she might come for them next. But eh, who cares what they think might happen next, I was just glad and happy that I'm not losing my mother today, I could finally relax and breathe with ease knowing she'll be alright, "Rexy!" I yelled as I ran towards her. I was also extremely glad that the stupid Indominus Rex was finally gone, no more threats are here to hurt anyone anymore.

"Ira," she responded, sounding very tired and probably hurt as well. I ran to her foot and Rexy bent down with effort and picked me up with her little arms and hugged me.

"Nice work . . . I'm Blue . . ." Said Blue as she backs awkwardly away from Rexy.

"You have done well yourself," Rexy replied. "Now, about these people," said Rexy as she puts me down and straightens herself up and looks directly over at Claire and her group.

"No, we're not eating anybody, Clarie did us a big favour, she was the one who decided to release you after all," I said.

"Well, Ira, I'm not going to argue about that, this now leads up to you, you can go with them if you want or you can stay here, with me and the others, the choice is yours," Rexy said.

Stay or go. Something that I wouldn't want to choose.

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