Bad Girl

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Billie's POV:
"Ready?" Finneas pulls his guitar over his head before adjusting the strings.

"I'm sooooo fucking ready dude." A smile forms on my lips as I practically run to the side of the stage before pulling up my red baggy bottoms and checking my chains are tangled.

The crowd chants my name.


Instantly my heart begins to pound and my hands start to shake from the adrenaline pumping through my body.
I'm never gonna get used to the feeling of changing so many peoples lives in one night simply by singing to them.

I take a deep breath then jog onto the stage. The room fills with screams and cheers as I position myself behind the microphone. A large smile forms on my lips as the music starts. I scan around the room and see all the smiles on everyone's faces.

I turn to see Rose at the edge of the stage, her hands on top of each other in front of her hips. I can't help but smile as she starts to sway slightly as I begin to sing. I shut my eyes and let the beat take over my body as I sway and dance.
I press my lips to the microphone and close my eyes once more while grabbing at my shirt and pulling it up a tiny bit. Sending the crowd wild at the sight. i can't hold back the smile tugging at my lips as I turn around and begin to dance around the stage.

I dart backstage once I say goodbye to the crowd. My heart still pumping and a smile still glued to my lips.

"Did you see their little faces?" I shout and bounce around the dressing room, trying not the spill the water from the bottle in my hands. Finneas laughs and rolls his eyes before packing up his guitar and equipment.

"You were amazing Bil." Two arms wrap around my shoulders, the smell of the sweet Jeep cologne fills my nose as a smile tugs on the corners of my lips.

Rose plants a soft kiss in the crook of my neck before pushing herself away and pulling out her flashing phone. I can't help but glance at the name on her screen.


A horrible knot forms in my stomach as my gaze drops to the floor. Rose declines the call and lifts my chin up so I'm now starring into her eyes.

"Your so insecure man." A sluggish smile stretches across her face as she lowers her hand and crosses her arms.

"What you on about?" I shrug and try play the innocent card. But it obviously don't work as she laughs and rolls her eyes.

"I can see it in your eyes that your lying to me." I frown. "You eyes go dark when lie." I quickly shut my eyes and sigh.

She plants another soft kiss on my cheek and winks.

"You got nothing to worry about. I don't even have time to go see side hoes. I'm with your short ass all the time." There's that sly side smile again.

I relax at her words as I watch her leave the room while pressing her phone to her ear. The little voice inside my head shouts at me.

She's seeing someone
She's going to fuck then tonight
She don't feel the same way about you
She's a fuck girl

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