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Rose's POV:
I quickly help Finneas load up the boot of the SUV. Not leaving Billie for more than a few moments alone. Every second I check our surroundings, making sure no paparazzi are getting too close. We both hurry to join Billie in the SUV so we can get to the BBC Radio One festival in time for sound check.

Every few moments I check on Billie through the rear view mirror. Every time I would check we would lock gaze and share a small smile that would cause my cheeks to burn a light pink.

We sit in silence. Me focusing on the road ahead, Finneas playing somthing on his phone and Billie writing lyrics down in her note book. Every now and then I see her gaze out of the window and then at me before scribbling something down with a cheeky smile next to all the small doodles that seem to be taking over the pages.

"How's that head holding up?" Finneas breaks the long lasting silence and peaks his head between the seats to check on my stitches.

It has been two days since the incident, since then I made sure Billie and Finneas had a new hotel with security on their hallway 24'7. Every night I'd stand outside Billie's room until she was awake in the morning.

What can I say? It's my job to keep them safe, but its become more than that, I want to take care of her. More than I ever have for my past clients. She said so herself, she felt safer with me around. I mean I did save her life. God knows what those men would have done if they would had found her. Or even realised it was her hotel room.

I don't understand why I have this urge to look after, I mean I hardly know the girl.

"Don't worry about me, I'm tough as nails." I catch billies gaze and give her a cheeky wink to try reassure her I was fine. Which I was, I mean I had to be.

We pull up into the compound where the staff and celebrities would be staying over the course of the week. No press could get in so at least I could relax a little more and so could Billie.

After getting all the equipment to the right stage she would be performing on. I focus on getting all of their things to their trailers to make Billie feel as safe and comfortable as possible. After this I set off to my own small trailer I would be calling home for the next 4 nights.


I take my position on the edge of the stage, hands on top of another in front of my waist. Chest puffed out and head held high while I scanned the rows of fans that had formed since Billie's team started setting up.

Any minute now she would be coming onto stage, bouncing around and making everyone's night so much more special. I could see many of the girls in the crowd were wearing her merchandise.
Every now and then someone would snap a shot of me or shout "Rillie" which seems to be some sort of ship name they had come up with over the past two nights.

And right on queue the lights dim around us and smoke begins to flood the stage. The crowd goes wild while I click the small button on my ear piece and check everything with security is good. With the all clear they allow Billie to come out on stage.

Just like I said, she comes out bouncing around to "You Should See Me In A Crown". I must say I did take my eyes off the crowd every few minuets or so to take a peek at her while she performed.
I just don't see how she has so much energy, I mean I'd love to see how much energy she had in other situations.

After a few more songs she heads towards me. That signature cheesy grin glued to her lips. Sweat dripping from her silver hair that's been thrown into a messy bun. She stops besides me and pills a goofy face before bringing the microphone to her plump lips.

"You know what guys? This girl right here... she saved my fucking life. I can't figure out a way to thank her enough....without her I wouldn't be here to carry on creating music for all you little avocados to listen to. So..." she places her hand on her heart and gives me the puppy eyes. "Thank you bro."

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