Stranger In Bed

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Rose's POV:

It's been three hours since Billie left after she got attacked by a so-called fan. For those three hours my phone has been going crazy from all the texts from her and Finneas, but this whole time Iv been speaking to the police about what happened.

Finally I get the chance to reply to them both.

Finn: Rose what's going on?
Finn: You gotta reply to Bil she's locked herself in the trailer. She's worried to shit about you!
Finn: She won't speak to no one
Finn: You gotta get here and help me sort her moody ass out

Me: Sorry Finn, it's all good down here.
Me: I've spoken to the police so you don't have to worry about that.
Me: I'm on my way now

I slide off Finneas' message and click on Billie's name.

Billie: Bro I'm so sorry the driver just sped away before I could say shit
Billie: You good?
Billie: What's going on down there? Everything okay? You okay?!
Billie: Your scaring the shit outta me now bro!

Me: Woah chill. I'm all good
Me: I'm on my way short ass

As I begin to head back to check on Billie, I see my phone light up on the dashboard. Quickly I answer the call and put it on loud speaker.

"Heyyyy Alice what's up girl?" I raise my eyebrows in shock that Alice actually called me.

"Roseeeeee your in London right?" Alice's high pitched voice pierces the air.

"Yeah why?" I furrow my brows in confusion.

Alice is my ex from five years ago. I was with her until last year but we ended on a good note and have stayed friends since then. Which is rare these days apparently.

"Wanna meet up with me and the old crew? Haven't seen you for months." I can hear the excitement in her voice, so how can I decline the offer to see some old friends?

"Yeah sure, I'll come by your place in 20." She squeals and ends the call.


I park up outside Billie's trailer to see all the lights off.
Guess she's asleep. So with that I leave the SUV parked outside and walk across to my trailer.

Fumbling around in the dark I begin to strip, leaving a trail of clothes behind me as I slump down onto my messy bed with just my boxers on.

Then something starts moving around in the bed.

Jumping up I pull the quilt and wrap it around my half-naked body before switching on the main light. The person in my bed pulls the strings on their jumper to cover their eyes from the sudden light.

"Fuck me! Turn off the dam light bro." They fold their arms over their covered face and roll over away from me.

"Billie?" I'm stunned, she came into my trailer and slept in my bed while I was gone?
There she is laying in my bed with just a Versace hoodie and some bright green thongs on.

"Chill man, turn the light off." Her tone softens as she rolls over onto her stomach and pulls the pillow over the back of her head. Her ass is on fucking show right now.

"The fuck you doing in my bed Bil?" I raise my tone.

"Common this is every girls dream." Her muffled sarcasm sounds nothing more than a whisper.

So I turn the light off and put the lamp on instead since it's a smaller light source for her tired eyes.
She pulls the pillow from over her head and lies on it instead.
I crack a smile at her scrunched up tired face.

"Cover up your ass man." She lifts her head slightly and looks down at her ass on show and sighs with a shrug.

"Could say so yourself." Rolling my eyes I head to the bathroom to throw on a top.
I come back into the bedroom to see Billie sat up on her phone.

"So... Explain what's going on." I take a seat next to her and rest my back on the headboard, tilting my head to examine her.

Her hoods now down and draped over her right shoulder with her blue hair in a messy bun. Her legs pulled tight up to her chest.

"I got worried man." She shrugs, not taking her eyes off her phone.
"You didn't reply for three hours. Then you say your on your way and you flake." She shrugs again and throws her phone to the end of the bed with a huff.

"I'm sorr-" She cuts me off by flopping sideways and leans her head on my lap.

"Just leave it. It's chill. You was with a girl." Her fingers begin to trace patterns on my bare thighs.
As she does so butterflies begin to form in my stomach and I feel my cheeks burn a bright red.

Wait, Billie was jealous?

"Stalking my snapchat now?" She nods slowly and sits up right besides me. She hasn't looked me in the eyes yet.

"Not like I care or anything." With another small shrug she rolls over with her back now to me.

"She's my ex, we broke up late last year on a good note though. I was legit on my way to you dude and she called. I literally never get time to see friends anymore so I took the opportunity when I could."

No answer, not even a slight movement.

"And we just hung out with some old friends at her apartment. She's an ex bro. I mean she fucking cheated on me, like I'd go back to that flat ass." She giggles lightly at my comment.

"I'm sorry. I just get worried because whenever I get close to someone...they leave or end up getting fucking...shot..." silence fills the air apart from the light sniffles coming from Billie. I know this is a sore subject for her.

"You alright?" No answer.

"Billie?" Still no answer.

Rolling my eyes I lean over and pull her arm to spin her over. Her eyes are puffy from the tears running down her face and onto her bare neck. It's weird seeing her neck without all the chains.

"Come here man." I hold out my arm as she wiggles closer to my side and puts her arm over my stomach. Hiding her face in my side so I softly begin to fiddle with her loose hair.

I don't want to break the silence. I feel like all she wants to do is lay here feeling safe, you can tell it's been so long since she's felt this way. All these things happening to her has made her anxiety fly through the roof.

That's what the paparazzi don't understand. She's 17, still a kid and she's being followed and shouted at wherever she goes out.

So all I do is pull her as close as I can get her. Her hard breaths warm up the side of my body as her sniffles come to a stop.

A few minuets pass without a word or a movement. I look down to see her sleeping peacefully with a small smile on her lips.
Pulling the blanket up under her chin I slowly shimmy down the bed until I'm lay down on the pillow, she doesn't move muscle. This girl could sleep through a storm.

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