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Rose's POV:
Today Billie and Finn start their small tour around the US.

I finish packing my stuff into the suit case Billie brought me. Running into the bathroom I quickly check myself out.
I wet my hands and run them through my hair. I roll up my sleeves on the black suit Billie got me before heading out to pick them both up.

As I watch Billie exit her apartment building I quickly open the SUV door for her. The paparazzi let out a few 'awhhh' before carrying on taking photos. Once Billie and Finneas are in the car I speed away.

Of course Billie wants new outfits for her tour so before we head to the hotel we stop off at a secret vintage shop hidden at the top of a hotel.

"Only the best get to shop here." She winks before entering the shop.

Surrounding us is racks and racks of clothes in colour order. Billie drags her hand across the clothes as we walk towards the sneaker section. I smile as her eyes widen and a small smirk forms on her plump lips. We spend the next few minutes trying on different types of sneakers.

" gotta get these." Finneas spins around with a pair of neon green airforce sneakers in his hand.

If Billie was an emoji she defo would be the heart eyes one right now.
With a small squeal she races over to Finneas and snatches them from his grip. Within seconds her old sneakers are off and she's hopping around in the neon ones.

"I'm in love." I hold my hand to my heart and pull a sad face as she rolls her eyes.

By the end of the shop Billie has brought the neon sneakers, four jumpers and a yeezy jacket. With that we head back to the SUV and get the show on the road.

I take my normal position on the edge of the stage and make sure all of her fans are stood behind the barricade. With a quick security check I give the all clear.

The lights dim as the stage lights focus on the side of the stage.

My lucifer is lonely....

The crowd screams as Billie comes slowly walking onto stage. Dragging her neon sneakers behind her she begins to sing in a low tone.
Covering her face with her hair. All you can see is her icy blue eyes peaking through her silver hair, her plump lips being pulled down by the chain in her mouth.

Then the music blasts through the speakers. Instantly Billie begins to bounce around the stage, making the crowd join in with her.

Standing there, killing time
Can't commit to anything but a crime
Peter's on vacation
An open invitation

I can't help but sway slightly at the sound of her voice booming through the speakers besides me. All the girls in the front row scream as Billie teases them by swaying her hips and inching the side of her baggy bottoms down, revealing the sides of her thongs before pulling them back up and bouncing around.

I quickly turn away as I feel my cheeks get hot at the sight. The girls carry on screaming as I join in with them but scream in my head instead.

All the good girls go to helllll

She drags out the last word and winks at me before turning back to the crowd and running to the opposite side of the stage.

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