Wrong Destination

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I ask as I finnaly load in and see what he's talking about, instead of a maze it's a forest of some sort. I know he's not lying and picked this map instead, Windy is incapable of lying I think...

I look to my left to see Uni as his classic weeabo L from death note playermodel. Windy runs up to me with a crowbar while Uni looks around.

Windy: see? It's different!  And noclip is off and won't turn on...

Y/n: don't close the server! We should look round!

We walk around the forestry with empty hand and see a large tower in the distance but it's separated by a river.

Uni: I think that's the skybox...?

Y/n: Let's build a boat!

Windy: Yeah!

We spawn in a bunch of stuff like bathtubs, chairs, baskets, thrusters and more. I carefully weld it together and set it into the water and hop on then am followed by the others.

The thruster activate and this mess of a boat fly's across the water and heads through the roof of the tower and continues going, it takes a turn towards a cliff and past but lands on what seems to be a large black scorpion?

Windy: Let's do it again!

Windy shouts as he emerges from the wreckage. After coming out of the boat we are met by a bunch of NPCs staring at us and one that looks awestruck.

Uni: Oh there's NPCs here.

Pink: NPCs?

The green and pink clothing npc replied. We all recoil and gasp at how it heard us... It's just an NPC. Right?

Y/n: guess it's can hear our mics?


they all gasp and look at me stunned, I look back with equal confusion.

Y/n: What?

One recovers from shock to reply with

Orange: You voice doesn't go with your appearance-

She is suddenly moved our of the way for a red NPC to start shouting.


They all look towards me and stare blankly until one decides to speak up.

White: You look... weird...

Out of nowhere a red NPC clotheslines her and goes on a rant about our boat.


Most of them look at me with fear but some look at me with challenge. I continue to stare back until,

Blonde: Weiss, Before I die. Your welcome for saving you from falling!

Y/n: Woah! I'm friendly!

The red ones expression changes from fear to happiness in mere seconds

[Playermodel reaction ends here]

Red: That was awesome how you just killed that death claw with that plane thing! Can I have it?! Can you make one for me!? What's an NPC?!

Windy: These NPCs are advanced!

The yellow NPC steps up towards us.

Yellow: Alright who on remnant are you three?!

Y/n: Uhhh I'm Y/n, this is Windy and this is Uni.

Uni: What's up.

NPCs: Nice to meet yous? / Are you from an Anime? / Hello! / Hi.

Wait a second, I don't think that NPCs can be this advanced... And there's no one else on the server...

Y/n: How many fingers am I holding up?

I hold up three fingers and await a response, if they get this right. They are not NPCs.

NPCs: Three!

Y/n: Those... Are not NPCs... I think instead of connecting to the maze we somehow connected to a different universe? Oh jeez... This is so weird.

They all look confused except one who approaches me and asks

Black: Why are your actions so robotic?

Y/n: Because I'm controlling this body with a keyboard and mouse, not my body, but I do have body tracking VR!

Uni walls over to me and stands next to me and points over to a bridge nearby.

Uni: We should head there but Y/n, do you really think they are living people?

Y/n: Yes, there is no way NPCs could be that advanced.

Uni: Im in your side for this. Anyway in gonna make friends.

Uni walks over to them and starts talking to them, I look behind me to see Windy attempting to yank the boat out of the scorpion.

I walk over and equip my physics gun and help yank as the others watch. It comes loose and flies out but is stopped from flying too far by our physics guns.

Red: Woah! Can I have one!?

I nod and spawn in a physics gun then hand it over to her. She attempts to use it but it makes a conking noise and shuts off. I go to grab it, then it activates again. I repeat this to find out it only works for us.

Red: Awww

Windy sets up the boat and adds more thrusters and chairs then shouts

Windy: All aboard!

We all cautiously sir down on the seats and wait until blast off! We go full speed upwards and towards the tower. We spin round it a couple times then crash at the front.

A/n: How'd I do? Let me know!

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