Chapter Twenty ♚ Suzie, Do You Copy?

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AN: Blake's outfit for the second day is up top.


If you haven't watched season three yet, don't read.

"Are you ready?"

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"Are you ready?"

Blake gave the boy a smirk, saying, "Of course I'm ready."

The two looked at each other under the florescent lighting, both letting out sighs before ripping into the envelopes. The boys eyes widened and he smiled before looking down at the girl whose face was emotionless and said, "Blake?"

"I got in," She whispered, meeting his eyes. His grin widened and he nodded, saying, "Me too."

Blake let out a laugh, pocketing her letter before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply, only pulling back to say, "Good job, Harrington."

"I only got in because of you, KitKat," Steve shrugged, grabbing Blake's thighs and picking her up. Blake wrapped her legs around his waist and smiled, twisting her fingers in his hair as she said, "You did this. You busted your ass for those A's last semester and it shows."

"I love you," Steve told, admiring the girl with a small grin on his face as she gripped his collar. Blake leaned in, meeting his eyes as their noses brushed against each other, "Show me."

Steve obliged, taking a few steps forward to gently rest Blake against the wall before he kissed her. After a minute, he pulled back breathlessly, littering kisses down the girls jaw and neck. Blake smiled, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck as she said, "I love you too, Harrington."

"Hey, dingus, your children are here!" A voice yelled and Steve groaned, giving Blake one final kiss before he dropped her to the ground. He grabbed her hand and they walked back into the back room from the connected hallway, opening up the sliding window to see Mike, Will, Lucas and Max before saying, "Again? Seriously?"

Mike gave the boy a look before ringing the bell again and Blake chuckled, putting her letter in her bag on the table as she said, "Let's go, nerds."

They all followed Steve to the hallway in the back and the Harrington boy said, "I swear, if anybody hears about this-"

"-We're dead!" The group finished and Blake looked up at the boy, kissing his swollen lips before saying, "Remember tonight. Meet me here."

Without an answer, Blake rushed after the kids and jumped on Mike's back, the boy almost falling under her light weight. He quickly caught her, rolling his eyes as he said, "Really, Blake?"

"Don't even fucking start with that, Wheeler. This is your payment for getting my father to let you see El," She told and Mike sighed, holding onto the backs of her thighs as they made their way down the hall. The boy opened the well known door and stuck his head out, Blake looking out as well and said, "All clear."

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