Chapter Six ♚ Fight

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AN: Blake's outfit for the first part of the chapter is the same as the last chapter. The outfit up top is for later.

"Friends don't lie! Isn't that your bullshit saying?" Hopper questioned as he slammed the door, walking into the house

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"Friends don't lie! Isn't that your bullshit saying?" Hopper questioned as he slammed the door, walking into the house.

The two girls had gotten home fifteen minutes prior and were sitting on the couch, Blake reading The Hobbit to El, waiting for his arrival.

"Here we go," Blake sighed, closing the book as Eleven quietly got up along with her walking to the bedroom together. Hopper growled, reopening the door that El tried to shut. "Hey, don't walk away from me! Where'd you do on your little field trip, huh? Where?"

"I handled it, Dad. Nobody important saw her," Blake told, stepping in front of the girl protectively. Hopper scoffed, "Yeah, well that mother and daughter did and they called the cops. Now did anyone else see you? Come on, I need you to think!"

"Nobody-" Blake was cut off by her Father, "Did anyone else see her?!"

"Nobody saw me!" El lurched forward, now standing to the side of Blake, who was getting angrier as the seconds ticked by.

"You put us in danger. You realize that right?"

Blake scoffed, rolling her eyes at the man as El spoke shakily, "You promised! I go!" She raised a finger pointing at him, "And I never leave! Nothing ever happens!"

"Yeah, nothing happens and you stay safe!" Hopper yelled, slamming his hand on Blake's bookshelf. Both girls reacted differently from the noise, Eleven flinched backwards as Blake took a step forward going closer to Hopper to shield the girl behind her. "You lie!"

"I don't lie. I protect and I feed and I teach. And all I ask of you is that you follow three simple rules. Three rules and you know what? You can't even do that!" Hopper walked out the room, leaving them both angry. El slammed her hand on the bookshelf like Hopper had just done and lead Blake to the doorway.

"You're grounded. You know what that means?" He paused going to the kitchen and throwing away the waffles in the freezer and the KitKats on the counter earning a yell from Blake, "It means no Eggo's, no KitKats, and no tv for a week."

"Is this really necessary?" Blake grunted, trying not to absolutely loose it at the sight of her candy in the trash. Not answering her, Hop made his way to the television and tried to pick up the television but it wouldn't budge, "Alright, knock it off. Let go."

El, who was making the tv stay in its place, shook her head angrily. "Okay, two weeks."

Blake scoffed hearing the man. "Let go!"

"A month," Hopper said trying to make his tone like Blake's dark one, but it didn't work. El shook her head at the man again, "No."

"Congratulations," He said sarcastically as Blake grit her teeth, "You just graduated from no tv for a month, to no tv at all!"

Barbed Wire ♚ Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now