Chapter Fourteen ♚ Processing

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AN: Blake's outfit is up top. Finally, a new one!

The minute everyone stepped into the house it was silent

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The minute everyone stepped into the house it was silent. Nobody had anything to say to each other so Blake locked herself in Johnny's room after using the restroom for several reasons. One, she needed to change. Two, she needed to process what was happening and what had just happened. Third, after processing she was most likely going to loose it.

After changing into a spare shirt she had in Jonathan's dresser, she laid down on his bed, thinking about what occurred. Blake was silent for a few moments, hearing both Bob's and Joyce's screams in her head when there was a knock on the door. She sat up, looking at the door, "Come in."

The door opened, revealing Steve who quickly made his way to the bed and sat next to the girl. "I know it's a dumb question, but how are you feeling?"

"I didn't know him that well," Blake whispered, looking down at the ground. Steve put a hand on her knee, ignoring the feeling in his stomach when he did so, "You were with him when it happened though."

The girl nodded, "Yeah, I saw it."

The boy sighed, shifting closer to her so their legs were touching, "You can be real with me. Are you okay?"

Blake snorted, looking over at him to see that their faces were close, "Is anyone really okay after seeing this shit happen?"

Steve stared in her green eyes, shaking his head and unconsciously leaning in. Blake's heart was pounding against her rib cage as she closed her eyes. Their noses brushed together, lips almost touching when the door whipped open causing them to jump apart. Mike stood in the doorway, shocked before speaking, "We need to talk."

The pair got up, meeting Mike at the door who said, "I like you guys together," before walking away leaving Steve blushing as Blake snorted. They made their way out of Jonathan's room and into the kitchen where Hopper was talking to the kids, "We'll see."

"We'll see? We can't just sit here while those things are loose." Hopper rose a brow, "We stay here and we wait for help."

With that, he walked out, leaving everyone in the room to huff in annoyance. The silence continued throughout the whole house as Blake walked over to the coffee machine and quickly put the grounds in, starting a new brew. She tensed feeling a body behind her before the hand rested on her shoulder making her relax.

Normally, Blake would have nothing to do with human interaction besides with El or the boys but she couldn't help but relax when Steve touched her. The boy ran his hands up and down her arms as she rested her head on his chest. The two stayed like this for a few moments, Blake almost falling asleep in his arms before the coffee machine beeped.She went over to the cupboard, grabbing a cup for them both and poured the coffee.

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