Fire and Fury

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Walking downstairs, Clarissa let her hand trail along the metal railing of the staircase. It was cold to the touch, smooth and icy. She kept walking, her feet echoing on the metal steps. The walls were bare concrete, and as she continued, she heard muffled voices coming from a large room. This was where Jeremiah now kept the cultists. As she drew closer, she heard Ecco laughing from somewhere, and she bit her lip. She hadn't seen much of Ecco, and she didn't like not knowing where she was. Especially if she wasn't beside Jeremiah. 

Coming to a halt in front of a large green metal door, Clarissa peaked inside. It was a large square room with tables and chairs and a television hooked up in the corner. It was news coverage, of something that probably related to Jeremiah. She opened the door and walked inside. Immediately she felt at home. These people were hers. 

"Miss Clarissa!" called a voice, and a young woman ran up to her, bowing deeply. 

''Hey there,'' she said, smiling at the woman, and was suddenly surrounded by people. They were chanting her name, desperate for attention. Eventually, she had to put up her hands for silence. 

"How is everyone? I know it's been a while."

"We don't trust Jeremiah. Jerome was our king, and you are our queen,'' said one. 

"We will carry on the legend of Jerome Valeska!'' cried another. 

"Wait, wait. Tell me what brought this on,'' she said patiently and gestured for them to sit down. Her heart was beating heavily at the mention of Jerome, and she felt nervous. Would they hurt Jeremiah?

"Look. Jim Gordon is alive!'' said a man leaning against the wall. Clarissa looked up and blinked several times as she stared into Jim Gordon's bruised face. It was like a rock had hit her in the chest, winding her.

"Jerome would never have made that mistake."

"He's dead. Jeremiah is leading us," said Clarissa quietly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.  One of the cultists took her arm.

"Then take him down and be our queen!''

''Yes! Queen Clarissa!"

"Jim Gordon lives, Jeremiah is a liar!"


"Stop...'' said Clarissa, but the cultists had started to become restless. 

''Hey!'' she cried, and a few paused, looking at her.

''How could Jim Gordon be alive?''

The door opened, and the cultists froze as Jeremiah walked into the room. His eyes traveled over the scene before him. He glared around at the cultists, who were pretending that nothing had happened, that Jim Gordon wasn't alive. They were smiling at him, bowing and chanting his name. Until one of the cultists changed the channel, and Jim Gordon's face appeared. 

''Clarissa? Why are you conversing with these people?'' he asked. 

''They're my followers, Jeremiah. I'm allowed to talk to them."

''I see..."

"This is a message for the followers of Jeremiah Valeska," said Jim Gordon, his face bruised and battered as he spoke into the camera. Jeremiah's eyes were wide, and he was glaring at Clarissa. She felt her face heat up as she walked to his side, facing the cultists. The woman who had first spoken mouthed something to her. 

"Long live Jerome."

"Jeremiah claims to have killed me. Well bad news, I'm still alive."

Jeremiah's face contorted, and Clarissa could see the rage and fear on his face. 

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