(十八) | Am I wrong pt II

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Jungkook despised Taehyung with all his heart, beyond every recognizable limit. He felt it, that Jimin in fact didn't care about him at all, that he only lied to make things easier, because things in fact were never that easy, and because he was afraid to deny Jungkook's love.

Jungkook felt like he made a fool out of himself by confessing, that jimin pushed him away at every opportunity, that Jimin didn't want him at all, but he still wanted Jimin all the same, and he was ready to do anything to shape that unrequited love into something more mutual.

Jimin entered the room, and Jungkook knew exactly where he was, and what he was doing. He knew that every time Jimin went out, he mainly visited Taehyung, and that for some reason, Taehyung wasn't anywhere in sight today. Jungkook smirked at the thought, it made him happy, knowing Taehyung will die very soon.

Jimin's face displaced utter skepticism, and he glanced at Jungkook with a certain degree of apprehension at the gleam brightening his eyes. Jungkook's joy made Jimin's heart race in his chest, for he knew it mostly wasn't for a good cause at all.

“Care to explain where is Taehyung?” Jimin asked from the entrance of the room, and Jungkook raised his head to stare at him in a confused expression, almost laced with theatricality, seemed very fake when a small smirk tugged at his lips at one side slightly.

“No, why would I know?” Jungkook replied with a yawn, crossing his legs on the bed like he was utterly unconcerned, but Jimin could see right through his stupid act. It was very unnecessary for him to lie, Jimin knew better than to believe a single word he said.

“Cut the bullshit Jungkook, where in earth is he? I know that you know!” Jimin declared through gritted teeth, his jaw clenching so tight Jungkook could visibly see it. Jimin knew he was related to his friend's disappearance, and apparently he wasn't going to let it slide.

“In the dungeons.” Jungkook announced as if addresing an exited crowd, and Jimin sent him a flat look, which Jungkook artfully ignored as he opened his drawer, absently getting a bundle of paper and running his thumb over the short edge of the bundle, flipping through them in one smooth motion, before pulling one paper out.

“Kim Taehyung, apparently, is a killer. I can't ignore such a horrid crime, can I?” Jungkook said dryly, like he believed his own words, while in fact he didn't. He made sure Taehyung would be framed into the crime, that was the point after all.

Jimin's eyes went wide, a murder not even just theft this time. Jungkook was apparently far more resentful than Jimin had thought. It made his skin go cold, while ironically, blood was boiling in his veins.

Jimin was apprehended by the coldness in which Jungkook condemned his friend to death, but he was just as angry at the unjustice that his boiling blood evaporated and stood upon his eyes. He saw nothing but red.

“You framed him, didn't you?” Jimin scoffed, trying his best to stay calm, but it was seeping through his fingertips like water to the sand. He didn't know how much left it would take him to explode.

“No, a guard was killed. All the evidence pointed towards Taehyung, it's just the law.” Jungkook muttered with assent, nodding at his own words for more effect. But Jimin could see the deceit under his hooded gaze and sugarcoated words. No, Jungkook framed him and he was well aware of his own crime.

“I know Taehyung very well. He didn't do it. I know you too, do you think I cannot see through your stupid act, huh?” At what point Jimin began getting drawn in, falling for the trap and losing himself to his rage, he wasn't sure.

“Watch your goddamn words!” Jungkook hissed, as couldn't help but show Jimin how out of depth he really was. For he was the King, he did whatever the hell he wanted, he got his hands on whoever the hell he wanted, and his words were final. A stupid servant had no right to tell him what to do. But the fire in Jimin's eyes didn't falter in the slightest at his words.

“Maybe if it wasn't your doing, I'd watch my damn words, yeah? But we both know who did this, don't we?” Jimin sniffed back, only getting more sour. And Jungkook let what he knew was an irritating languid smile creep across his lips, lounging back again, not giving a fuck if Jimin disagreed. Why did he even have to care? It was very predictable that Jimin would react the way he did.

“He'll die, get over it.” Jungkook grinned lazily. Jungkook deserved the punch, and he laughed humorously, like death was something funny, like all his problems have dissolved in the blink of an eye.

“Please Jungkook, free him, I beg you.” Jimin’s voice dropped a little, just a little, a waver in his tone. He came to terms with the fact Jungkook will never listen with confrontation, but he was willing to do anything to release Taehyung from his framed crime again.

“Oh baby, but you love him more than me.” Jimin had trouble believing the words leaving Jungkook's mouth. Taehyung had to die just because he loved him? That was his crime, being loved. Jimin wanted to strangle Jungkook to death.

But he was right under Jungkook's watchful peeled eyes, and he had to keep his shit together if he wanted Jungkook to change his mind. Jimin didn't pay attention to the fact that his expression only grew more distant and drawn as the days passed, all while he didn't notice it. Jungkook wasn't blind to it all. He started to doubt Jimin loved him at all.

“I don't, he was just my friend for so long. Please Jungkook, he doesn't deserve to die.” Jimin urged again, not knowing what else to say. Jungkook wanted him to love him, badly enough he was ready to kill for it.

“Liar. Do you think I don't know after all this time, huh?” Jungkook let a rigged laugh leave the curve of his lips, and he laughed freely, humorously, like it was a joke to him.“Who are you taking me for baby? A fool?”

“But this isn't fair!” Jimin almost whined, tugging on Jungkook’s arm incessantly, eyes painfully watery.  If Jungkook wasn't so focused on himself, so narcissistic, maybe he would've noticed the desperation and strange fear to the hooded gleam in Jimin's eyes.

“It's final. Just forget about it. I'm not going to change my mind Jimin.” Jungkook's words were harsh, felt like a slap to the face. While Jungkook just laughed again, almost maniacally, like it was just a show to him, like taking a life meant nothing at all.

Jimin knew it was over, he fucked up for once and for all. He couldn't do anything anymore and Jungkook would certainly kill Taehyung. He must have seen it coming, but despite his best efforts he couldn't save him.

Jimin would have chosen to tell him about the other word, how it would affect them, but he didn't want Jungkook to think he was insane, that he had lost his mind in the amidth of it all. So he silently cried, feeling that he was almost getting suffocated.

Jimin was convinced that he couldn't save Taehyung ever, so why should he live himself alone in a world he doesn't belong to? The hopelessness that had taken over him was beyond anything that he ever experienced, further than the tides have ever taken him. He felt so out of place, so useless.

It was then when it hit him, that he was the only source of the problem. All of this would've not happened if they weren't fighting over him.

His tired mind phrased it in a way that his best shot was to kill himself. For in both worlds, they will cause their own demise because of him, so maybe if he died, they'd all stop from fighting.

Jimin felt it in his bones, the detrimental determination that he would do anything it took, even if the only thing that he was capable of doing was dying, even if the only thing that could stop it was taking his own life. He was ready to make the sacrifice.

Jimin walked slowly towards the closed closet, he had put a poison there long ago, back when he was thinking his life was endangered. For he preferred to die in his own hands than to be killed, and now it was coming in handy. He didn't want to keep on living, not under those conditions.

It didn't take Jimin a lot of thoughts, for the moment Jungkook left the room, he took out his fatal poison. He was crying while sipping at the sour liquid, burning his tongue, making his throat itch but he knew it was over the moment he started drinking it.

Jimin didn't realize at one point he dropped unconscious, just laying there lifelessly.


𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 ~ 𝓥𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now