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I walked inside the tent and caught up with Mena.

"Sit by me?" He asked.
"Of course." I smiled back. The meeting went by quickly. All that they talked about was what the plan for the plan for today was. They would be filming 'One Jump Ahead' and the beginning street scenes. So I had to do Mena and Naomi's makeup for that, then do some of the extra's makeup.

After the meeting, Mena stood up and put his hand out to help me get up. I giggled,

"Thank you kind sir."

"No problem, princess." He laughed right back at me. I let go of his hand and started for my trailer with Mena just beside me.

"I'll see you in an hour." He winked.

"Sounds good. See ya Mena." I reached my trailer and Natalie was sitting in a chair braiding her hair.

"Hey girly." I smiled at her.

"Hi! You're coffee is on the other vanity." She smiled back.

"Thank you so much."

Just as I took a sip of my coffee, a beautiful girl walks in, about my age, maybe a little older.

"Hi! I'm Naomi." She smiled and put her hand out for me to shake.

"Hi! I'm Elodie. You must be playing Jasmine?" I questioned even though I already knew the answer.

"Yup! That's me." She giggled.

"Awesome! Well, let's get started on your makeup."

I did a soft look for these scenes. Dark eyes and just some lip balm for her lips. I contoured her cheeks and nose lightly and she was on her way within 30 minutes. I finished early. 'What should I do?' I thought. I took and sip of my coffee and started setting up the makeup for Mena when I got a text. I grabbed my phone from my sweatshirt pocket and saw it was from the man himself.


Hey! I just saw Naomi.

Are you done early?

I can come now if

you'd like.


yah i got done

early. you can come



Okay. Be there in a


I smiled. A couple moments later I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it up. Mena stood there in his costume; striped cream colored puffy pants and shirt, a red vest, green belt, and a red hat to top it all off.

"You look great, Mena." I said.

"Thanks, so do you." Blushing, I lead him to the makeup chair. He sat down and I began, starting with foundation.

"So, are you from LA?" He asked, trying to makeup conversation.

"No, I'm actually from Seattle. I moved here when I turned eighteen. What about you?"

"Toronto. Canada. I mean of course you know it's Canada. I don't know why I said that." He laughed nervously. I smiled and let out a little laugh, moving on to his brows.

"Are you excited to start filming? I'm excited for you!" I laughed.

"Yah. Nervous, but excited." He grinned up at me.

"Good. Okay I know this sounds weird, but your eyelashes are amazing." I commented. It was true! His eyelashes were amazing. They were nice and long. He had beautiful dark hair too; which was now straightened and slicked back into his cap. He laughed loudly.

"Thank you."

A few minutes of silence went by until he raised a question.

"Any chance you enjoy vegan food?"

"I've actually been vegan for nine years." I smiled.

"Oh really? That's awesome! I've been plant based pretty much my whole life."

"That's crazy. Yah, my mom and dad are big meat eaters so I couldn't really do it until I started making my own money."

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight?" He asked. My heart skipped a beat. 'It's not a date. It's not a date. He just wants to be friends.' I thought.

"Yah of course. Where are you thinking?" I said, voice shaky.

"I could cook. My place?" I finished up with the tiniest bit of powder for his eyebrows and stepped back, crossing my arms to look at my work.

"Perfect." I said.

"The makeup or dinner at my house?" He questioned, laughing. I let out a small giggle.

"Both." I smiled.


Hey y'all! I know it's short, but I wanted to get something up for you as quick as possible. I'll try to get the next chapter up quicker. ALSO! Thank you soooooo much for over 100 reads! It means the world.

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Insta: kenzielisowski

Twitter: kenziesafter

Love you all,


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