
 The sprawling sound of laughter and music swept over the field and into the encroaching darkness of the evening, that was only being held back by the myriad of lights being beamed by the various rides and attractions of the fair.

A smile carved of pure wonder and fun was on the face of every passer by, as they hurriedly dragged each other from one game to the next. The sickly, sweet smell of numerous treats and foods pervaded the air like an intoxicating, curling, finger; beckoning the masses with each gesture to suckle on it's wares.

The people clutched at everything. At each other, at newly won prizes, at the whining pleads of "just one more ride".

Victoria's arm hooked with Jace's, while her other was hooked around the waist of the teddy bear she had won for herself, because Victoria always wins, and her hand held a huge, pink, cloud of candy floss, which she picked at gently, occasionally slipping a piece between the lips of Jace.

I walked side by side with Aramis. Grinning sheepishly at how the glisten of fairy lights seemed to frame his form just right in a gentle glow. He was busy losing his mind in awe at the sights around him, like this was the first time he'd ever seen a fun-fair, and he'd never even thought of such a thing before. He'd point, awestruck at the roller-coasters, declaring that he must ride one. He swooned over the bumper cars, even if he briefly panicked for my safety each time out car got bumped.

He even laughed in pure utter joy when he lost at the ring toss. A game that I happened to be rather good at, if I do say so myself. Even earning a small stuffed animal which I gifted to Aramis, and he gripped it so tight I am surprised it's head didn't squeeze off.

But he seemed to accept it with a gratitude that was so heartfelt, that the inside of my chest seemed to uncontrollably melt the moment my eyes connected with his. I immediately wanted to reciprocate the kiss that he eagerly leaned into.

For one, devilish, moment, I forgot my surroundings. I forgot what people might think of me with another man. I forgot my fears and worries, and I stooped low to avoid the kiss. Snatching his hand, I didn't have time to fully register the confused look he gave in response, nor the shout out from Victoria as she questioned where we were going, as I dragged him away and towards the Ferris wheel.

"Where are we going?" He giggled, as I slowed my pace when we came towards the back of a thankfully short line to the wheel.

"Up there" I responded, rather embarrassed at how out of breath I apparently was. The concoction of Aramis sending my heart racing, and the brief moment of running I just did, apparently was enough to wind me.

I pointed a finger to the top of the Ferris wheel. "If we're lucky, we'll get a box all to ourselves"

"Well, if you wanted us to go somewhere more private, Avery. You could've just said so" He smirked coyly, immediately causing my cheeks to redden.

"Shut up" I snapped, swatting at his arm with my fist, which he snatched out the air by the wrist, jerking it forward and causing me to fall safely into his chest. His arms immediately encircling me and squishing me inwards, I was met by the spicy, warm scent of his body, and as if on cue; I instantly relaxed into it. Closing my eyes as the rest of the world faded away from the pair of us, and it was just me and him. My fingers, playfully, bunched into fists, clutching at his shirt. I looked up, barely noticing that he was still laughing. Only noticing how utterly stunning this man, who was holding me in a grip that would no doubt last forever if it could, was.

His expression seemed to move in slow motion, as it relaxed to meet my own gaze with a spark in his eyes that I couldn't quite place. It glimmered at the edge of his pupils that seemed a lot wider than before, now that they looked at me.

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