CHAPTER 06 (Interaction?)

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Hey! I've been missing for monthssss gezzz that very long huh It's because I just transferred school and it was really really hard for me to adjust so I wasn't in the mood or I wasn't inspired to work my thoughts and write.And I'm just so tired and lockey depressed about everything, including the fact that I haven't had any vacation,even summer,I just had a 2 weeks break while my friends had 3 freakin' months. But hey hey hey I've managed to get on truck,because this btch found some genuine friends that made her feel welcomed and belonged.

Once again I'm very very very sorry that I've been missing for so longgggg. The soon soon update came so longggggg.FORGIVE MEEEE


Lisa was taken aback when a dark hazel chocolate orbs met hers.Lisa could just cough it off and scratch her neck.

But Jungkook's eyes just turn away after looking at her for a millisecond.Based from what she saw he was reading a paper while holding a phone on his other hand and by the looks of him his on a rush.

Then after reading the said paper he handed it over to the center. "I think I have to go." then he started standing.

"What the f—!!! I came all the w—— Urgh,If knew he would ditch me I would've not come here!" Lisa thought.

"Well not just me but everyone else here in the table,he just ditched all of us how rude." Lisa added when she felt her words wrong.

"Jungkook this is Lisa," Mrs. Jeon said through gritted teeth while she smiled embarrassingly for her son's rude action.

"Mother I have to take THIS," Jungkook said making himself clear and showed his phone.

Her mother showed a relief sigh and nod to him then she looked at us very sorry.

Then he left the table and went out.

Then they watch him flawlessly left the restaurant catching the people's eyes while leaving them in an awkward state.

Lisa just sighed.She shrugged and her lips curved upward.

She felt uncomfortable.

If Jungkook catches the people's attention there with awe in their faces,Lisa,on the other hand catches their attention with disgust and judgements in their faces.

"Who's that"

"B*tch,what the hell a potato is doin' here."

"B*tch she made us all look cheap by entering here."

"How can a garbage get in here."

"Filthy ass b*tch"

"Most especially what is she doin' with the Jeons and Manobans."

"Duh,probably a maid."

Lisa just let out a faint laugh looking down her lap before raising her head.

The olds in the table might not hear it but Lisa and probably Jisoo are the ones who heard it unclearly but audibly.

"Well I guess I wouldn't stay longer since I'm not in the proper attire,Get into details and I'll listen up."

"We will,but sweetie it's better if we wait for Jungkook so we'll just explain it once,"Lisa's mother said,looks like Lisa can't argue with that.

Lisa just sat there listening to the unpleasant comments the people had been bushing about.

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