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At the middle of the story up to the end, you might lose your interest and hyped for this book but I promise you this chapter is a huge part in the story and feel free to not read it but I suggest you should so that you wouldn't get confused when we get deeper.Arraso?

Lisa P.O.V

I run out of my car and run my way up to where the meeting is being held.

"Ow! Ma'am Lisa I'm glad you made it," my secretary Yeri said looking so stressed waiting for me.

"Yeah,I'm sorry," I walk/run my way to the room.

She did the same and run with me to the room while reminding me some of my agenda, "Ma'am sorry but I have to inform you that after this meeting you have to call your mom,right away,"


"I don't know ma'am that's what she said," I took a one questioning glance at her then went inside the room.

"Oh miss Manoban is here,I'm glad you made it to hear my proposal,"Mr. Lee said.

"Yeah,carry on," I motioned him to just do his thing.

He offered some nice ideas for the financial of the company,I can tell that Mr. Lee is smart and really business minded but the disappointing part is that he thinks things and take things like business,to the point that I think he'll do anything to have what he wants by hook or by crook.

And I can't have that in my company.He's gonna stir up everything.

But what can I do? I really need a Chief Financial Officer ASAP,The CFO of this company left for Paris.even tho I don't want to hire him whole heartedly,I have to.

I let out a heavy sigh, "Okey then,I expect good performance from you," I saw him grin widely,but I quickly stood up and left the room.

"Good bye everyone."

As soon as I got out from the room,my secretary approached me. "Ma'am Lisa?"


"Nothing ma'am I'm just gonna remind you about the call ordered by Mrs. Manoban."

"Yeah yeah,I will." I said and about to leave but turned back, "I'm gonna be in my office,if there's things you have to remind me just knock."I said and finally left not waiting for her response.

As I reach my office I took out my phone from my LV bag.


"Mom,you want me to call," that was a statement not a question.

"Yes sweetie," she went silent,but after some seconds she spoke," Lisa dear,I don't wanna pressure you or force into something you don't wanna do.." I know she doesn't wanna spit out the words but she has to, " but you have to get marry soon." Then that put my mind in a total blackout.

I can't hear anything after that.Its like my mind flew somewhere,my soul left my body.

I just stared at who knows what for who knows how long.

Then realisation hit me.

I can't run from it.

Will I rather face it.

It can't harm me right.

After 1 min. of spacing out the only thing I heard from my mothers mouth was.

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