Prologue (2/5)

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The walk through the woods to the house I would be living in was serene. It was absolutely beautiful. There were all sorts of flowers and trees that I had no idea even existed. The sun was setting in the background and shone fading light through the canopies, lighting the path that would have otherwise been dark.

After about a mile, I started seeing the roof of the house in the distance. It was a large log cabin. It had clearings to the sides of it. The door was directly in the middle of the house, to the far sides of it there were planter boxes with windows above them, it also had three visible windows evenly spaced on the second floor.

Though it didn't seem like all that much on the outside, it would be the first real home I'd had since I was very young. It will also be the first home I can remember. 

I braced myself as we walked through the door. A chandelier hung from the ceiling in the center of the foyer, and the entrance to the house also had a few shelves lining it which contained an assortment of vases and framed pictures. There was also a coat rack directly to the right of the door.

The whole house was aglow from several lights which Summer had flipped on. These lights gave me a view of the rest of the first floor.

To the left was a family room area that housed a white sofa along with a chestnut-colored entertainment center where a TV sat atop. The entertainment center had a video game console with multiple controllers charging next to it. It also had an assortment of video games and movies.

To the right, there was a dining room area with a rather large mahogany dining table and chairs. It had a vase with roses in it. It seems like roses are a big theme in this family. The dining room was attached to an extensive kitchen.

The stairs were directly in front of us, they split off to the left halfway up.

They gave me a quick tour of the house while Tai went to the kitchen to start cooking supper. My brain was overloaded with information by the time we got back downstairs. I awkwardly sat down on the couch while I waited for supper to be ready. Tai called from the kitchen about ten minutes later. 

Ruby and Yang ran into the kitchen while I shuffled behind them. My behavior now was a far cry from what it was back in the foster home. There is no precedent for how I'm supposed to act while in this house, so I'm treading as carefully as possible.

The meal was a nice combination of steak and potatoes along with other assorted vegetables. It was the first real meal I'd had in a long time. It was the first time I felt full after a meal in years.

Since we ate so late in the night, it was time for bed nearly as soon as we finished eating.

I laid down on the couch as Summer handed me some blankets and pillows. She knelt next to me as I got comfortable.

Summer: We'll go out to get you some things tomorrow. We didn't want to get anything because we wanted the child we adopted to be there with us.

Me: Even this is perfectly fine. I'll sleep better tonight than I ever have. Thank you so much for adopting me, I'll never be able to repay that debt.

Summer: You don't owe us a thing. We've been wanting to adopt a child for a long time. You're going to be okay from now on. 

She kissed my forehead and walked over to the light switch. 

Summer: Good night, Y/n.

Me: Good night.

She switched the light off and slowly went upstairs, while I very quickly fell asleep, having been exhausted from the day.

A/n: This one is shorter because there wasn't really much to do after the dinner scene. The thought of attaching this chapter to the first one did cross my mind, but I feel like they're better separated, it conveys the passage of time much better when it's two chapters.

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