Chapter 13- Reflect, Meditate

Start from the beginning

"She didn't make it Ms. King. I'm sorry."

Something in me broke as those words dear to leave her mouth and in an instant I pounced on the woman in front of me, clawing and punching at her face while I screamed and sobbed.

"Stop lying to me you bitch!" I sob. "Give her back!" I literally broke down not believing a word she say.

"Ms. King!" The woman kept calling my name but it sounds a bit distant. A voice so far away.


I shot up quickly, startled by the tight grip I was in and the strong voice that shouted my name. My breathing was shallow and I had to count to ten in my head to calm myself down.
My mind snapped back to the stranger that was holding me and I shrieked punching the person in the process.

"Shit." The voice cursed groaning while holding their left cheek. I recognize the instantly.

"Nash?" I asked confused
Why his he in my room?

"Yeah?" He winced.

"The fuck you doing in my room!?"

"I heard crying so I came to check on you." He said checking to see if his cheek was bleeding I guessed. But was I really crying that loud?

"What time is it?" I asked searching for my phone but couldn't find it.

"Around 8:30." I froze. Shit, I have work.

"Here," I look to see him handing me my phone. "It was on the floor."

I stared at him then to my phone in his hand. I slowly took it from his hand. "Nash, why are even still hear at this hour? I mean you get off at 7." I saw him hesitate a bit and I frowned.

"The car wouldn't start." He said staring back at me.

"Is it starting now?" He nodded his response rubbing his cheek again.

"So can you leave now?" He nodded again and walked towards the door.

"Oh and Nash," He glanced back at me. "Stop being a pussy. I didn't punch you that hard."
I saw his jaw clenched and I smirked as he stormed out of my room slamming the door in the process. I quickly got out of bed and head towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. I got dressed in a tight fitted dark green knee length skirt with a matching off-shoulder skin tight mini top. I did my make up light and did my hair up in a loose bun at the top of my head. I quickly grabbed my phone, purse and a condom.

You never know when someone might need it.


The scent of alcohol, cigars, sweat and perfumes filled my lungs giving me that God awful feeling to throw up. It has been three years and three months since I have been working here and that nostalgic feeling is always present whenever I step foot in this place. Sugar Sweet, The most popular strip club in town.

I stared at the young woman as they dance on poles seductively while horny men place $100 dollar bill in the waist of there thong while some just throw their cash. My eyes scanned and checked every face in the club when I spotted a familiar face that I haven't seen in weeks. My eyes grew wide when I saw him walked to the bar.

What the hell is he doing here?  Millions of questions rush through my mind and I began panicking.

In that very moment I thought I was doomed and in that very moment some A-hole decided that it was best to place a hand on my shoulder to scare the living shit out of me.

I turned to see Macy staring at me amused for startling me.
"The fuck Macy! You almost scared me!"

"Almost scared you?" She giggled.
I rolled my eyes before averting my eyes to where Van sat, my eyes continuing to evaluate him as he talked to a balled head dude.

"You know boss man's back right?" My body froze but my eyes stayed focus on Van.

"Yeah I know." I replied showing indifference. As if I care if he's here. He can go f–

"And that he wants you in his office like right now." My head snapped over to her direction no doubt surprise is written all over it.


"Don't know but he seems pissed about something."

What the hell could he want with me now and if he's in a pissed mood then it must be something serious. I turned back to Van just in time to see him scanning the club. I quickly ducked out of sight ignoring the 'what the fuck' look that Macy sent my way.

"Vans here." Was all I said and her eyes grew wide. She took a quick glance in the crowd and froze.

"Sapphire?" What she said next made me almost shit myself. "He's coming this way."


A bit lame-ish but I'm working on a juicy interesting chapy right now.
And sorry for the long wait hehe.

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