thirty five

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Weeks, even months, passed by. Nothing interesting happened.

Apollo was really happy to see his father, though. Even if it was in my body.

When I finished channeling, he was crying. And hugging me.

"Ms. Aya...I don't wanna let go because you still feel like Dad."

Those words broke my heart.

I know what it's like to lose a parent. Losing my mother at such a young age was traumatizing and hurtful. And when Apollo explained how he lost his father, it hurt even more.

So I didn't let go either. I hugged him back and let the feeling of his father linger, staying with him until the time came for it to leave.

Also, I am officially 5 months pregnant. Or, 19 weeks.

My baby is the size of a mango. How cute.

But here I was, in Miles's car, going to the doctor to find out the gender of this little mango child.

"I can clearly see your bump now." Miles said at a red light. He rested his elbow on the open window and put his cheek on his palm.

"Oh? Is that so?" I chuckled.

He nodded and turned, giving me a kiss on the lips.

Once the light turned green, he parted and started driving again, holding my hand with the hand that wasn't on the wheel.

We're almost there.

"What are you hoping, Milesy? Boy or girl?" I asked.

"Well, I've grown more with males. But I don't have any preference. I wouldn't mind a female." He said.

"Will you allow our baby to be a spirit channeler?"

"I wouldn't mind it. Spirit channeling is a unique occupation."

Finally, we arrived.

"Alright. Well the time has come." I smiled.

He kissed my lips again and held my hand tighter.

"Whatever the baby is, I'm glad it'll come into this world." He smiled, kissing me again.

He opened his door, and when I went to open mine, he stopped me.

"Let me be a gentleman for the carrying madam." He said softly, and went to open my door.

He held out his hand, and I grabbed it.

Kissing my hand, a smile grew on his face.

"Geez, you really like taking care of me, huh?" I chuckled.

"Ah. It's my obligation as a husband." He said, walking with me arm in arm.

I chuckled. "You're really into this stuff."

"Should I not be?" He asked, looking at me.

"I'm not saying that." I looked down. "I'm just saying...that it's cute you're into this stuff."

"It's...cute? How so?"

"I're really focused on taking care of me and assuring my safety.  It's just..adorable."

"It is? I never knew."

I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You're just adorable in general."

He opened the doors with a small smile on his face, and walked inside with me.

Here goes nothing.

Because clapping.

"Are you excited?! Miles! We're having a baby-"

My phone rang.

"Yes. A baby." He chuckled. "I figured this out many weeks ago."

"No, sorry. It's Apollo." I chuckled, answering the phone.

"Ms. Aya! Ms. Aya! There's a kitten!" Apollo said happily.

"A kitten?! At the office?!" I exclaimed.

"Mhm! It's very cute! It's a little gray tabby! No, no, don't run away-!"

I chuckled. "What's it doing there?"

"I don't know, Ms. Aya! I just came back from the café and it came to me meowing!"

"Is that so? Do you wanna keep it?"

"I don't think I can, Ms. Aya. I already have a bunny at home."

"Well, ask Phoenix if it can be the pet for the office! Then, call me back with his answer!" I smiled.

"Okay, Ms. Aya! I hope he says yes...have a good day, Ms. Aya!"

He hung up, and I giggled.

"A kitten? That could be a good nickname for you..." Miles said.

"E-eh?! Calling me kitten?!" My eyes widened.

"Hmm....I love you, kitten."

I felt my face heat up profusely.

"I love you too, dork!" I covered my face.

"Dork? That's not nice."

I giggled. "As I was saying...we're having a baby-"

There goes my phone again.

"Geez, Apollo!"

Miles chuckled. "You mustn't need to remind me. We're having a baby girl, and I'm quite excited."

I smiled and answered the phone.

"Ms. Aya...he said no..." Apollo said sadly. I could also hear the meowing kitten.

"But Mr. Gavin's brother will take him in! Isn't that exciting?! The kitty will have a home! Yes you will, Leo!" Apollo turned happy.

"Mr. Gavin...? Oh, Klavier! Who's his brother?"

"Mr. Kristoph Gavin. He's a good attorney!"

"Oh! I think I might've seen him around." I said, looking at Miles.

Miles eyebrows were a bit furrowed. That's weird.

"He's very nice! I think you and him will work together on cases very well! If you ever do.."

"I'll see about that. I already work with Justin, but hey, Phoenix went from Mia to Maya, so what's the harm?" I chuckled.

"Yes, Ms. Aya! You're right! You two should take the next case together! If there is one...not to be mean, Ms. Aya, but I hope there's not...murder is a sad, scary thing."

I nodded. "I know it is, Apollo. But my job is to help the people that's scared of murder feel safe by putting criminals to justice!"

"Right, Ms. Aya!"

Miles smiled at me. The first time I've seen him actually smile smile.

I smiled back. "I'll talk to you later, okay Apo?"

"Ap- oh that's me! Right! I'll see you soon!"

I chuckled and hung up.

"You're determined." Miles said, starting the car.

"Of course! I didn't take the bar exam for nothing." I slightly puffed my cheeks.

He laughed. "You're adorable, Aya."

I smiled. "You're adorabler."

"That is not a word."

"It is now!"

Eep I'm so sorry this chapter is short! I'll make longer ones, I promise! ♥️

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