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"Are you sure I'm safe?" I asked, obviously scared.

"The worst Manfred would do to you is slip out an insult. And it's hardly that bad." Miles tried to comfort me.

Maybe because you're used to it.

He stopped for a second and pressed something in my hand. "I want you to have this."

It was a small red button.

"What's it for?" I asked.

"It's for if you're in danger. Just put it on your desk and if you press it, it'll call a nearby emergency phone number. I set that to my number."

"How will you know it's an emergency?"

"My phone will rapidly and loudly beep."

"Jesus, can you two be any slower?" Franziska grumbled.

I sighed. "Nice to know the tigers feasting tonight."

Miles held my hand and walked inside like we were royalty.

I don't know if I'd like this lifestyle.

He pulled a chair and sat me down, taking a seat next to me.

Manfred sat in a throne looking chair, looking angrier than the word angry itself.

Franziska sat across of Miles.

For a big table, there's little people.

"I'd like to introduce the lady we have here today." Miles spoke.

Manfred raised an eyebrow, then closed his eyes. "Please do, Harper."

I'm beginning to believe Harper is his actual name and not his middle name.

"Her name is Aya. Aya Fey."

Manfreds eyes quickly opened and Franziska bitchily ate her food.

"She is a daughter of Ms. Misty Fey but please do have trust in her. She's sweet."

Why'd you say my mother's name like you hate her?

"What is she to you? To law?" Manfred spoke in a deep voice.

"She's....not really anything to law. She stands next to her sister and Wright."

"Hah! She's everything you hate! A defense attorney and a spirit medium!" Franziska laughed.

"Yet she's an exception." Miles pointed a finger.

"Am I to immediately like her? No." Manfred began.

Oh well that's nice.

"But- she could be a good addition to our cases."

Is that all I am?

"Ahem. was your day?" Miles asked.

"It was unpleasant." She said, staring at Miles.

But they didn't say a word about what happened.

"What about you, Von Karma? How was your day?" Miles asked.

"There is no need for you to know my morn and night. Ms. Aya Fey, how are you?" Manfred peeked an eyes at me.

Despite my nervousness, I answered. "It was delightful."

"And the reasoning is?" Manfred asked.

"Well, I got to be at the Wright and Co. Law Offices. I got to be with Mr. Miles here." I smiled at Miles. "And...that's really it."

euphoria (miles edgeworth x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant