twenty one

474 4 14

It was dark, very very dark.

There was a long hallway that was strangely visible.

Every footstep I took loudly echoed, no matter how light.

I tried walking down the hallway without echo, but it echoed anyway.

I sighed and walked down normally.

"Oh my god, someone help!" Someone screeched.

That immediately alerted me.

"She's dead! Oh god, she's dead! Not her! Why her?!" A female cried.

I ran towards the noise, but tripped.

Tripping in a dark room during a nightmare is always bad.

A gun immediately cocked, and a bullet popped into my skull.

It was a quick death for me.

I felt the pain, and it was agonizing.

I slipped out a name before dying.

The name was hard to hear, but it certainly meant something to me.

Then I woke up with a jolt and pant.

"Ah,'re finally awake." Miles spoke.

I sighed in relief. "I am."

He was at his desk, probably studying.

"I have a.....friend arriving soon. I'd appreciate your kindness." He said, collecting his papers.

I nodded, getting up weakly.

Then someone bursted through the door, making me fall back onto the couch.

"Mr. Edgeworth! I'm here!" A female screeched.

She was intensely beautiful, with magnificent black hair and a dark blue scarf with some weird badge stuck onto it. Her dress-like clothing was pink, and she wore a dark blue skirt. She also wore a brown bag and brown gloves.

A unique thing about her was a key was placed into her hair with pink.....scrunchies?

"Aha. Did you get the case files?" Miles leaned back, his glasses still on his face.

"Of course I did! I would never forget something so important!" She rubbed her finger under her nose with pride.

She handed them to Miles. "So?! What's the big deal today?! Did someone get pushed off a bridge? Hit and run? Ohhh, maybe someone fell out of a tree-"

"Kay. There is no case today." Miles sighed.

"WHAAAAAT?!" The girl, who I supposed would be named Kay, gasped.

"None has been reported. I'm quite relived, if you ask me. I've been working so much, I could hardly spend time with anyone."

Miles, you okay?

"Well, now there's no cool investigating I could do! Or any truth to steal.." she pouted.

Miles sighed, and finally noticed I was still here.

"Somebody was caught staring." He smirked at me.

I flinched. "T-that- n-no! N-not at all!"

Kay noticed me too.

Oh god. Miles, why?!

"Hey! I'm the Great Thief!" She smiled.

"She's actually Kay Faraday." Miles corrected.

"Come on, Miles! Call me the Great Thief! You can do it!"

"In your dreams." He sighed, getting up.

euphoria (miles edgeworth x reader)Where stories live. Discover now