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"I'd have to say. Dinner was a wonderful time with you." Miles said sweetly, looking off at the other tables.

"Hey, it wasn't so bad for me. You surely gave more than I thought you would." I smiled, turning my head to the side.

"And was is that to mean?" He said, pointing an eye at me.

"Well..I expected you to less...talkative. But whenever it got just a bit silent you started speaking, bringing up a nice conversation. That's surely a nice skill."

He nodded.

"It's getting dark out. We've been here for quite some time." He said.

"Yeah. We have." I replied.

It was silent for a moment and in any show this would be the moment they'd kiss but I doubt he'd even wanna get close to me. Oh who am I kidding? We just had dinner! But we just met so theres surely no way he'd wanna press his lips against mine.

And was I correct.

He placed a tip in the tips jar and got up. "Time to go?"

It was more a statement than a question but he made it a question more than a statement.

He held out his hand to me and I grabbed it, wondering if he did this to everyone. He probably did.

He helped me up and walked over to the counter, letting go of my hand.

He paid for the meal and his movement was lovely. He smiled to avoid uncomfortableness, and so on.

He walked out to an alleyway, his body telling me to follow him.

He leaned against a wall and lit up a cigarette, which was surprising. He didn't look, act, or smell like a smoker.

He placed it in his mouth and looked up, glaring softly at the bright, big moon.

"So, umm.." I said, looking down. I wanted to make it clear I was still here.

"What do you think about me?" I looked at him with my eyes softly closed and my mouth warmly smiling.

He continued to stare at the moon and for a while I didn't he'd respond but possibly he was just thinking.

"You're quite the woman." Is all that came out of his mouth. Maybe he was lost in other thoughts but I needed him to elaborate.

"That means?" I asked.

"I'm not quite sure, Ms. Fey. I don't necessarily think you're bad."

Oh well that helps.

"Mr. Edgeworth?" I said.

"Ms. Fey." He replied, which meant a 'what?'

"I think you're really cool, Mr. Edgeworth." I smiled.

He nodded. "Thank you, Aya."

He dropped the cigarette on the ground and smushed it with his lovely black dress shoes.

He stared at me for a while, but I pretended not to acknowledge it.

"I'll walk you home." He said, placing his hands in his pockets.

I smiled. "I'll walk with you."

He began to walk, glancing at the lights in the nearby city.

"'ve been awfully quiet. What's wrong?" I asked.

He chuckled. "It's nice to see you can see the most invisible changes. That's something for a defense attorney."

"I do sometimes stick by Phoenix's side. But I mostly stay in the audience, cheering both of you on!" I smiled

"That's your mistake." He said calmly but seriously.

"At some points in time, you can pick two sides. But when it comes to law, pick one." He looked at me with those beautiful gray eyes.

I looked at him with my mouth open a bit in surprise, but I looked down and closed it.

He's right. You can only pick one side.

"Aren't there 3 sides in law? Defendant, prosecution, and defense?" I said after minutes of silence.

He chuckled. "Keep walking you fatuous person."

Fatuous? Huh. He really loves his words.

My phone started ringing and I knew who it was immediately.

It was a freaking out Phoenix Wright, probably ready to murder Edgeworth.

I saw Edgeworth take a peek at my purple phone, but quickly look away.

"That must be?" He asked, getting annoyed at the ringtone.

"Phoenix." I sighed, accepting the call and pressing the phone up against my ear.

"Phoenix Wright." He spoke in his semi-british voice.

"Phoenix. What do you want?" I asked.

"Aya! I thought you were killed!" Phoenix said frantically.

I tried to hold in a laugh.

"I'm very much alive." I said.

"I can hear that. Did Edgeworth do anything to you?!"

"Geez, dad." I said sarcastically.

"I'm perfectly fine. He's been sweet to me, I promise."

"Okay..are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay...yknow if he does anything to you I'm gonna-"

"Smash their head with The Thinker. Yeah yeah. I know." I sighed.

"Nick. Tell me my age." I said.

"20 years old." He replied.

"Exactly. I'm old enough to hang out with friends!"

"I know." He sighed.

"It's just...I...I worry about you, Aya. Ever since what happened to Maya that day, I can't stop worrying. I hate it when you leave my side because I feel if anything happens it's my fault and I could've prevented it. I'm a horrible protector, I know."

I could feel tears warming up my eyes but I blinked them away.

"Phoenix.." Is all I could say.

I know how bad he feels about everything. He wishes he could prevent what happened. Everything that happened. He always blames himself.

I could hear a sad sigh.

"I'm sorry, Aya...please continue your time with Prosecutor Lame Boy."

I chuckled, still holding in tears.

"Just come back home in one piece." He said and hung up without a goodbye.

"You okay?" Edgeworth asked. It was obvious he saw my tears.

"Y-yeah!" I quickly wiped my tears away.

He walked closer to me. I guess that was his way of saying 'its okay'.

"I just...hate hearing Phoenix sad. It makes me sad." I sniffed.

Edgeworth nodded. "How about we call a taxicab and get home quicker? It's getting dark and you never know what trouble lurks."

I sniffled and sat down on a nearby bench, waiting for a taxi to arrive.

I fell asleep.

euphoria (miles edgeworth x reader)Where stories live. Discover now