twenty nine

378 7 35


"When will she wake up?"


"I don't know. Hopefully soon."


"And I just met her. How unfortunate."


"She's a lovely, beautiful girl. How upsetting for this to happen."


"I came as soon as I heard!"


"Wake up. Come on. You can do it.."





The room was bright, causing me to squint my eyes.

"W-where...." I stopped myself due to a hurtful headache.

"Ms. Aya! Don't move, Ms. Aya!" Apollo said.

I held my head weakly. "Wh....what....happened?"

"Aya." Miles held my hand. "You were hit by a car."

Hit by

"They said you jumped in front of a stranger to save their life..." Apollo looked down.

"Ah, your poor face. It was so beautiful." Klavier went to touch my cheeks, but Miles smacked his hands away.

"What gives?" He sighed.

While Miles and Klavier were arguing, Apollo was comforting me.

Thanks for being normal, Apollo.

"I'm sorry this happened. You didn't deserve this, Ms. Aya." He held my hand.

"I.....hardly....remember a thing..." I groaned.

"Oh no...Ms. Aya! Please don't lose your memory!" He put his hand on my head.

" my....ring..?" I asked, looking at my hand.

"It got destroyed, unfortunately. But I already set order for a new one." Miles held my hand, placing it down on the bed. "Meanwhile, I suggest you get some rest." Miles stood up. "I'm gonna grab a bite for all of us."

"Get me pretzels! And a kiwi!" Apollo said.

"Poprocks." Klavier said plainly, staring at me.

Miles nodded. "Don't try anything while I'm gone. Remember, she's my fiancée. Not my--"

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