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Today was the day.

I was going to be on the stand, explaining what happened to me.

Phoenix squeezed my arm. "You're gonna do great. I'm gonna prove him guilty."

Miles decided not to take the case because he knew who did it and he didn't wanna defend them. Instead, he chose to be a witness.

Franziska was the prosecutor this time.

Miles came over to me and hugged me. "Good luck, Aya."

I smiled and he ran back to his spot.

The judge slammed his gavel and called for order, causing the courtroom to go silent.

"The court is now in session for the assualt of Ms. Aya Fey. Prosecution, please begin your opening statement." He called.

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Of course. Ms. Aya Fey had reported she had been assaulted in the Wright and Co. Law Offices at around 10:00pm. The defendant in this case is Mr. Sater Dae." Franziska smiled.

"Hmmm..very well. Call your first witness to the stand." The judge nodded.

"The prosecution would like to call the victim, Miss Aya Fey, to the stand."

I gulped and walked over to the stand.

I didn't realize I was so nervous until I stood here.

"Name and occupation." Franziska demanded.

Geez..she's scary in the courtroom..

"Oh..uh..I'm Aya Fey..I'm a spirit medium...in training." I chuckled nervously.

"Begin your testimony." Franziska demanded once more.

"Oh uh..well...I was told to lock up the Wright and Co. Law Offices a few days ago. I was exploring the case files when I heard the doorknob jiggle. The door unlocked and out came a man asking for 'the girl'. I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. He pulled out a gun and that's when it began." I sighed.

I looked at Phoenix, who held a determined look on his face. That made me determined too.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what began? Please continue on." Franziska said.

"Oh, yeah! Of course! Uhm.. well, I believe he first shot the bookcase, trying to aim for me. I tried hitting the gun out of his hand but he sliced me with an unexpected knife. I ran out into the hallway and got saved. That's my uhm...my testimony." I scratched my neck.

I looked at Edgeworth and he looked...sad. Scared. Worried. That made me sad, scared and worried.

"Hmm.. very well. Defense, begin your cross-examination. Please repeat your testimony so the defense can cross-examine you, Miss Fey." The judge nodded.

Oh god, I had to REMEMBER THAT?!

I nodded. "Yes, your honor."


"He- uh- the man..he came in through the door and-"

"Hold it!" Phoenix screamed.

I looked at him and tittered.

He scratched his neck and blushed. "How did the defendant get in?"

"Objection! Ever heard of a bobby pin?" Franziska smirked.

"Prosecution, please refrain from sass." The judge said.

Phoenix smirked.

Franziska growled. "Continue the cross-examination."

euphoria (miles edgeworth x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें