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Tom got to Chloe's and frowned. He was worried. She wasn't answering her phone and hadn't come to see poppy which wasn't like her. He ran a hand through his hair as he got to the flat. He found the spare key under a plant pot and sighed. Tom frowned to himself as he walked into then flat. He didn't like the tension that he felt "Chloe are you here?" He called as he walked into the flat. He looked into the room and frowned as he saw it was empty before he walked into the bedroom and saw Chloe lying on the floor unconscious. He could see that there was blood around her and frowned. "Oh my god Chloe" he said as he ran over to her. He frowned to see just how beaten that she was. Tom was angry. He knew that mark was responsible and he wanted him to pay for it. Tom frowned as he saw Chloe's underwear around her ankles and a used condom tossed to the side. Tom knew he had beaten her unconscious and raped her.

Tom got Chloe to the hospital. He was worried and anxious. Tom didn't want to loose Chloe, she meant to much to him for him to loose. Tom ran his hands through his hair as he waited anxiously on news over her. He rang chlo as he asked her to match poppy. Tom was angry, he was angry over what mark had did to Chloe. He knew just how kind hearted that Chloe was and that this may be the thing to destroy her. He was angry and he wanted to make mark pay for what he did. He wanted to make him hurt like he had hurt Chloe and he wasn't going to let in her away with it


Tom sat in the hospital as grace and Steph arrived "tom, what's going on" Steph asked as she walked down the hall. "It's Chloe, I found her in the flat and unconscious. Mark beat her and he raped her and left her for dead. We need to be there for her" Tom said as Steph looked to her and frowned "what do you mean" she asked as Tom walked over to her and smiled. He placed a hand on top of hers and smiled "he has been beating her Steph, he had been nesting her and he raped her. Chloe is going to need her support as she loves him and isn't going to see what he is doing to her" tom said as Steph looked to him shocked and nodded as grace ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She knew that she was going through the same thing and couldn't say a thing


Tom sat next to Chloe's bedside as she walked. He looked to her and smiled as tears rolled down her face "I'm so sorry" she said as he took a hold of her hand and smiled as he looked to her "you don't need to be, I love you Chloe and I promise you that everything is going to be okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled. But would tom be able to safe Chloe before it was too late?

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