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Chloe sat by Tom's bedside. It had been a few days since he had been shot and it was unknown if he would pull through. Mark had been arrested for attempted murder. But Chloe couldn't help but feel that he was going to come back.

Chloe looked up as Steph walked in. She smiled. "Rachel is watching Poppy and Esmè. Neither of them understand what's going on."

Chloe nodded and sighed. "I know. I can't tell Poppy that her dad might not make it. I know how horrid it is growing up without a father. And it sucks so badly," she told her.

"I'm sorry."

"Mum. Don't. Now isn't the time to dwell on the past. I have to focus on Tom and making sure he's okay."

Chloe went back home to see the girls. Chlo and Mika had gone to spend some time with Tom. She walked in and smiled as she saw Poppy who was playing with Esmè.

Poppy grinned. "Hi mummy!"

"Hi baby. Are you being good?"

Poppy nodded. "I show Emmy how we play dollies. Where's daddy?" She asked.

Chloe sighed. "Baby. Daddy is at the hospital. He's poorly. But he's trying to get better."

Poppy frowned. "Dat not right. I sawed daddy afores and he no poorly then."

Chloe sighed. She didn't like how this whole situation was confusing Poppy. She felt bad for her daughter. "He's going to be okay baby. I promise you."


Steph handed her daughter a cup of coffee and sighed. "I've text Grace and told her what happened, but she hasn't replied. She hasn't read the message either."

Chloe frowned. "Do you think that Rob has hurt her?"

"I don't know. The last time I spoke to her, she told me to tell Esmè she loves her and to not go over to the house."

Chloe felt like her whole world was crashing around her. Her boyfriend was fighting for his life in hospital and her sister had gone MIA. She didn't  know what to do. She didn't know what to think.

Chloe went back to the hospital. She saw Mika outside and smiled. "How's he doing?" She asked as she looked at him.

"He has internal bleeding coming from somewhere. They're operating on him."

Chloe frowned. "Why didn't anyone call me?"

"It's because of you that he's here! Why are you so selfish?! Your ex boyfriend did this! You're the reason we might lose the only dad that we've had. If he dies, I'll never forgive you!"

Chloe sat in the pub and was drowning her sorrows away. She hated how Mika had turned on her. She hated how she knew deep down it was because of her that Tom was lying in a hospital bed.

Chloe somehow made her way back home. Steph opened the door and sighed. "Chloe. This isn't the best thing to do it is?" She said.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Oh come on mummy. You do this too. More than me in fact," she slurred.

Steph helped her into the house. She got her into bed and sighed. She said nothing as Chloe sobbed. But with Tom practically at deaths door, would Chloe make it without breaking down completely?

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