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Chloe groaned to herself as she drove up to toms. She was pissed. She was pissed at him for trying to take poppy from her. He didn't even know anything about her and she couldn't let him take her daughter from her especially since Poppy was that she had, the only thing that she had that was getting her through the day. Chloe stood from the car and walked to toms and knocked on the door as he answered "how dare you" she yelled as she walked into the house as he turned to face her "good morning to you too Chloe"  he said as she turned to face him and glared "don't, don't you dare. How dare you try and take poppy from me, I know I should of told you I was pregnant and I get hat your mad okay, but you can't punish me by trying to take her away from me" Chloe spat.

"She's it safe with you" Tom said as she slapped him and glared "don't, she fell off of the bed and got hurt, kids get guilt. You know nothing about me or her" Chloe said as Tom looked to her "you care more about him then poppy, I don't like or trust him" tom said as Chloe looked to him and frowned "what mark? He wouldn't do anything to hurt her" Chloe said "I won't risk it" he said as she looked to him and smiled. She loved how protective that he was of poppy. Chloe walked over to him and smiled "your a good dad tom" she said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smirked as he leant in and kissed her. He backed her onto the couch as she ran her hands through his hair and kissed him. They stripped off as he pulled her close and pushed into the causing her to moan as he kissed her neck. She knew she was cheating on mark but she knew they had tension still.


The following day, Chloe sat in the staffroom and sighed to herself as she got to work, Steph walked in and frowned as she saw her daughter and walked over to her "are you okay?" She asked as Chloe shock her head "tom, he's trying to take poppy from me. If I loose her then I have nothing" Chloe said as she started to cry as Steph wrapped an arm around her and hugged her. "It will be okay" she said as Chloe smiled. She didn't think so.

Steph walked into toms classroom and looked to him "I should really slap you" "you what?" He asked as she looked to him "you know what you have done, you have no right to talk poppy and it will destroy Chloe if you do" Steph said as Tom looked to her and sighed. He didn't know if he was doing the right thing. Later, Tom got to Chloe's and smiled "I'm sorry, that last thing I want to do is take her from you, I'll call my lawyer" he said as she looked to him and smiled as she walked over to him and hugged him "thank you" she said unaware that mark was watching on and was pissed.


Later that night, mark walked into Chloe's flat and looked to her "what is it?" She asked "your sleeping with him?" He asked as she frowned "what?" "Tom, your sleeping with him" "no, I'm not" she said as he looked to her and glared "don't lie to him" he said as he slapped her as she fell to The floor and kicked her in the ribs "slut" he spat as he walked off as poppy walked in and looked to Chloe "mummy, are you okay" she asked as Chloe sat up and smiled "I'm fine, Come on" Chloe said as she packed some of Poppy's stuff and got into the car "where are we going?" "Your daddy's, he will look after you" Chloe said. Chloe got to toms and dropped poppy off. Tom looked to Chloe and frowned "what happened?" He asked as Chloe looked to him and smiled "nothing" "he hurt you didn't he" tom asked as Chloe sobbed "look after her" Chloe said as she went to walk off as Tom pulled her close and hugged her "it's okay" he said as she cried into her chest.

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