Chapter One: Did You Like The Show?

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There are 4 words that people could be dying to hear. But "Your parents are dead" aren't one of those words. Ever since that night, I haven't said a word to anyone. Ever since then, people's voices and comments haven't been leaving me alone.

It's all " I'm so sorry about your family" and " I hope you don't grow up to be a murderer like your dad". When my Aunt Jade heard about what happened she immediately requested I live with her family in Georgia.

The last time I visited my cousins was 6 years ago when I was eleven. My parents went on a cruise and they didn't want to hire a babysitter for 6 days. Aunt Jade had two boys : Thomas and Reese. Every night we used to play flashlight tag even though Thomas thought it was stupid. Their house used to have a tall wooden treehouse that Reese and I used to play in for hours. I wonder if it's still there anymore.

When I pull up to their house, only 3 people are waiting outside. Aunt Jade, Uncle Matthew( but he likes to be called Matt for short), and Reese. I'm guessing Thomas grew up and went to college. The only person that changed quite a bit was Reese. He had brown curly hair, grew a couple inches, and had strong muscles visible for me to see. Instead of greeted by a smile from him, in met with a death glare.

"Nevaeh baby, I'm so sorry. Let's get you inside sweetheart" Aunt Jade said easing me towards the house inside. The social worker told them I haven't spoken a word ever since, so at least they are fully aware.
As we sit down on the gray couch, Uncle Matt hands me a cup of Earl Grey tea. The house is just as lovely as I remember it. Aunt Jade and Uncle Matt are a pictures type of family. Everywhere I look are pictures of them, my family, Thomas, Reese, Thomas and Reese.
The tea feels so good against my throat. I set my tea down on the hand-made table next to me. Uncle Matt clears his throat loudly and then looked at Aunt Jade as if he wanted her to say whatever she was thinking.
She sighs and places her hand on my leg. " Honey, this may be sudden but your first day of school starts tomorrow. I had Emma, Thomas's  new girlfriend come with me to get you some new clothes for this week. I hope you like them." She pleads.
Also, Reese will take you to the bonfire party tonight and show you your way around the school tomorrow okay?" I nod and smile sweetly at her. The thing I like about Georgia is that's it's country but not too country. Everyone has a bit of an accent. Everyone but me.
If you were to look at the four of us together, it would look pretty weird. The main thing that you would notice is that I'm the only black person there which is not a big deal. My mom and dad adopted me when I was just 6 years old.
Reese is wearing his football jersey, Aunt Jade has her hair up and is wearing a "keep calm and cook on" apron. Uncle Matt has an old shirt with his work boots and I just have on a hoodie and jeans. With my long curly hair, I look —— well not that great.
"Come on, you're just in time for supper. Jade made her special fried steak with mashed potatoes and green beans." Matt tells me excitedly. And I can't help but smile.
•. •. •.
Emma has good taste, a little bit too girly for me though. I plan to wear plaid red shorts with a long sleeved black shirt and white converses. I step inside the shower and let the cold water ride against my back. I try to close my eyes but I just can't. Flashbacks, horrible memories flood through my head. None of this would have happened if my dad hadn't lost his job. He should have never been day drinking in the first place.
15 minutes later, I dry my curls with a white cotton towel. Every time, I step out of the shower and take a long, deep breath. I quickly get changed because it seems like Reese has a short temper. I put on a little mascara and lip gloss. Reese is already on the couch abruptly texting someone. Girlfriend maybe? Jade walks back in from the kitchen without her apron on this time. I was told to call them Jade and Matt from now on.
"Aww honey, you look so beautiful. Have fun tonight! Please be back before 11:00 alright?" She calls out to us as we exit the front door. The entire drive there is awkward because I'm getting a vibe that Reese clearly doesn't want to talk to me.
I brought my phone and earbuds with me so I don't look entirely lonely.
"Listen, I know you have my number. Text, never call. Don't get drunk and I never did say that I was sorry. About what happened. I can't even imagine heaven." I smile towards him and laugh to myself.
Once we were about 12, Reese had just learned what my name meant spelled backwards. And whenever I was feeling upset or angry, he would just say the quote " No need to be upset, there's no tears in Heaven." It made as much sense as it does now.
The "Bonfire" is like any-other high school party. Girls with skirts too short, boys getting drunk off beer, and the music getting cranked too loud. And seriously, these people have terrible taste in music.

"Alright, I'll be with my friends. You can grab a drink, sit on the back of my truck or do whatever you want. I don't care." I nod telling him, I understand. And then he walks away towards the crowd. Well, at least we got to the small talk stage.

I decide to sit on the back of his truck  and listen to my music. I should avoid the " I have a sore throat and cannot talk" conversation for tonight. I'm more of a soul music kind of girl. Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, and Ella Fitzgerald are my all time favorites. I find " How Will I Know" and press play. I like to listen to Amy Winehouse occasionally too.
Whitney's voice always gives me a chilling vibe. Not the scared chills but more chilling in the way you didn't know a person could sing like that.
After about 20 minutes of listening to music a little, I decide to walk around a little. I walk behind the cars so I draw very little attention to myself. One guy is passed out by his truck, beer bottles are scattered all across the grass. I walk by this one car, even though I wish I hadn't. A small blue car had very thin doors and I could hear two people making love. Top things I didn't want to experience. My phone buzzes and it's a text from Reese.

"Where did you go? You're not on my truck." If anyone is way too overprotective it's him.
"Went to walk around. Stop worrying."
Reese is sweet and nice, but he has his moments. He can be very demanding and I would be to if I felt like I had to babysit my cousin.
I'm not sure if Jade and Matt are aware that this so called bonfire has alcohol. Unless they are the type of parents that don't care about that. My mom and dad never let me drink whatsoever or let me go to parties. Told me that's how girls get pregnant, and they weren't wrong.
There's a cold breeze that makes my curls blow all around my face. As I keep walking, I hear two voices arguing. The closer I get, I can tell that it's a girl and a guy. They aren't arguing anymore, now they are screaming at each other. Images of my mom and dad come to my mind and I remember all of it pretty clearly.
"She's not my daughter anymore, she's yours" my dad yells.
"How can you even say that, you are truly sick" my mom screamed at the top of her lungs.
Soon after that my mom was stabbed to death, and my dad was killed by the police. But what they didn't know was that I was watching the entire time.
"We need a break" said the girl with big blonde hair.
" But we're not dating Kierra" the guy said sounding a bit cocky.
" I know that. Just it's either your dad or me Bryer." He starts to laugh uncontrollably.
"What?!" Kierra yells at Bryer sounding clearly annoyed and irritated.
" You really must be a self centered bitch to ask me to choose between you and my dad" Bryer said back to her.
"Oh fuck you" she yelled and then stormed off.
He curses under his breath and that's when he spots me.
" Did you like the show?" He asks me and obviously I can't answer. I cross my arms over my chest and lean back against a tree.
"Just going to stand there sweetheart?" He calls out to me and this guy's accent is so different from the rest. Almost sexy, even.
" Are you death? I asked you a question, well actually two."
I just stare at him and on the inside my heart is beating twice as fast. I need to get out of this situation but my legs won't move as much as I want them to.
From away, he's about two times my height, a little taller than Reese. He has blonde hair, vey defined muscles and gray eyes. When I still don't answer him, he looks pissed.
He lunges towards me, but not in a threatening way. Now that we are so close, I can't help but examine him more. He's wearing a Georgia State t shirt with dark blue jeans. And I can smell the beer off of him and it's strong. He puts his arms on the tree so they are above my head.
Before I can get ready for what is going to happen, he kisses me. My first kiss is at 17 and this is not what I was expecting. I can smell his breath coming off of him and his kiss is angry. He finally pulls away and tells me " I needed a distraction."
And that's when I run away from him as fast as I can. Because I just have a gut feeling he is one of Reese's friends. And besides, I'm a distraction.

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