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I yawned and up from my bed. Another day of school, plus me and Kat are suppose to be going to a party today. I got dressed in my UA uniform and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror at my red and white hair. "I think I'll just leave it like this today." I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room. I opened my door and guess who was waiting for me?  

"Katuski!" I smiled and ran into his arms.

"Hey babe." He kissed my forehead, grabbing my hand.

"Why'd you wait for me?"

"Why wouldn't I wait for my adorable boyfriend?"

My face heated up. I turned to the side in an attempt to hide my pink cheek. "Okay, besides that."

"I just missed you and wanted to walk to school with you." He shrugged. 

I shook my head, smiling. I love how he can make me smile. "Hm? Really? Well I'm glad you did, I love you."

"I love you more." He started running. "Now come on! We're doing training with our quirks today!"

I sighed, but my smile never dropped. Well if there's one thing he loves as much as me it's training. "Coming, coming! Slow down." 

Once we got to class he let my hand go, kissed my cheek and told me bye. After that he went to his desk, which Kirishima ran up to. I walked over to my seat and sat down.

"Sho!" Momo called, running up to my desk.


"I'm having a party tonight! You're coming, right?"

"Actually I was gonna-" She stopped me mid-sentence.

"Nope! Too bad! You're coming, and if you come your boyfriend will!"

"Momo I don't-"

"I thought we were best friends? I need my wing man there. I need you to help me, I think I'm gonna ask Jiro tonight."

I gasped and looked at her, "Plan J?"

She grinned, squealing. "Yep! You remembered!"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? We are best friends."

"You're so right!" She engulfed me in a hug. 

I shrugged, "I guess?"

The bell rang and everybody went to there seats as class started.

~~Time Skip~~

"Shoto~" My beautiful boyfriend sung. I looked up at him, getting up from my seat. He grabbed my hand, smiling. "Ready for lunch?"

"Yeah." I grabbed my bag and looked down.

"You okay?" He looked at me, concerned.

"Ah..Yeah... It's just.." I closed my eyes and just shouted it. "I know we were suppose to have a date night tonight, but Momo is having a party and needs because I'm here wingman and bestfriend! I'm super. super sorry! I know we've been planning this for a couple of weeks now, but-" I was cut of by a soft kiss on the lips. 

"Calm down, I understand. She's your best friend. We can always hang out later." He smiled, dragging me into the lunch room. "Now come on, I'm starving and can't wait to see what my princess made me."

My face heated up even more. I turned my face away. "Whatever." He chuckled and sat us down at our table.

~~Time Skip~~

Me and Kat got ready from Momo's party. He laid on my bed on his phone. I looked at him, slightly smiling.

"You look cute, you should smile more." He said, not looking up from his phone.

Alright. Imma leave y'all with this. So uh. Enjoy?

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