Chapter Twenty-Nine: Reunion

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I sprung up from the bench Gimli and I had been occupying, making my way with slow, almost dazed steps towards my brother, who stood on the other side of the bars that separated us.

"Elena!" Cyne clutched my hands between the bars.

"Cyne? Who's Cyne?" Gimli frowned, but I didn't answer him, focused instead on my brother, whom I'd believed to be dead for months.

"How did you get here? What's happened to Aerith? To father?" I asked all at once, "I thought he'd killed you... Prince Alintas... He told me he'd killed you."

"Attempted to, more like," Cyne chuckled, "Didn't stick around long enough to make sure he'd actually finished the job... When did you see him?"

"He's become allied to Saruman. All the Dark Fae have, I think."

Gimli listened to our exchange silently, as I awaited an explanation from Cyne.

"Start from the beginning," I said, "What happened when I left Aerith? And how did it land you in here?"

Cyne sighed, looking off into empty space, recalling distant memories. It was only after a few moments in which all that could be heard was our breathing that Cyne at last spoke.

"Prince Alintas was not aware of your leaving until two days after you'd departed. As I'd suspected, he didn't make to attack father or I, he sought the kingship too avidly to squander it. The deal was modified so that in exchange for less soldiers, Prince Alintas would be crowned King, but not receive your hand in marriage. I can't say father was too disappointed. While he was worried for you after receiving your letter and a brief explanation from me... He seemed almost relieved that you wouldn't have to marry Alintas," Cyne cracked a smile, "By then, it had become a waiting game. Would Vanera's troops arrive first, or would you secure help from Rivendell? I wagered you'd a decent chance, Prince Alintas still had to send word to Vanera and call for troops. And Vanera, being situated along Forochel, and at nearly twice the distance Rivendell is, I figured that so long as you made it there, we'd succeed."

Cyne paused for a moment, seemingly just having noticed Gimli sitting on the far side of my cell, still looking grumpy, but attention fixated on Cyne and I. Cyne seemed reluctant, now, to continue.

"It is only Gimli," I said, "I'll explain everything to you, just know, he is a friend."

"Right," Cyne nodded, focusing his attention back on me, "As I'd suspected, Rivendell troops did arrive before those of Vanera could. Father was most happy to strike the deal with the Prince. We saw them off... Then the Prince snapped, taking a blade off the nearest guard and driving it through me," he gestured at his chest, "It was by some fine stroke of luck that I lived, but I did."

I breathed a sigh of relief. So what Legolas had said had been true, Saruman had spun a lie... Or rather an unfinished truth, to his advantage. And in that regard, even what I'd said had been true. Saruman had used the truth against me. It had just been unfinished... True... And yet, incomplete.

"From what I was told," Cyne continued, "Vanera had been officially deemed an enemy of Aerith, and the Prince and King were sent back. Rivendell's troops, father found, were more numerous and skilful than any Vanera could have provided. Two weeks after they'd arrived, more came from Mirkwood. Nearly two months after that, more still came from Lothlórien . The war seemed to be in our favour. And then I received a letter," he paused, his face sunken, "Éowyn wrote to me. At first I was reluctant to even read it, the Kingdom of Rohan had been entirely capable of lending us its much needed aid, but refused us. But eventually, I resolved to at least read it. She told me of Théoden's sickness and inability to think for himself. How he'd have lent us aid had he been able to. She told me of the vile creature that calls himself Grima. She begged for my assistance."

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