Chp. 2: Gotham

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Nico's P.O.V.
The council had decided that they could deal with me as a Praetor. When I had asked if the conditions Reyna had given me were ok, they said yes and started the initiation thing immediatly. Not gonna lie, the fire thing hurt. A lot. But it didn't hurt nearly as much as Tartarus. Anyways, I'm attempting to find Hazel right now. We had gotten a message from Olympus saying that the gods needed to speak with me and Hazel. Finally, I found her. "Hazel! Come on, the gods need to see us. We can shadow travel to the empire State building." Hazel nodded before speaking, "Why do they need us? And why can't we just shadow travel to Olympus?" "I don't know and there probably aren't that many shadows around Olympus. Come on we should get going." She giggled before responding, "Why of course, Praetor" I rolled my eyes and held out my hand for her. I was glad that she could joke around right now seeing as her boyfriend and most of her friends were all dead. I shook that thought out of my head and gripped Hazel's hand a little bit tighter. Why did the gods need us? Did we do something wrong? Oh gods, they're going to kill me because I ran and they're gonna punish Hazel for not being there. I shook all those thoughts out of my head and headed towards the shadows. I concentrated on the Empire State building and when I could see again, me and Hazel where right next to the Empire State building. I took a deep breath and headed inside, Hazel's hand still interlocked with mine. See, I would've let go but Hazel had an iron grip on my hand. Once we were inside we headed to the front of the line, getting yelled at a lot, and spoke with the dude that's usually always there when a demigod needs to go to Olympus. "Hello and welcome to the Emp-" I cut him off, I did not want to go through that speech. "600th floor. We have an appointment with Zeus." I said it just loud enough for the guy to hear me and he nodded and sent us on our way. In the elevator Hazel finally let go of my hand. "I wonder what they need us for..." She seemed like she was talking to herself so I didn't bother answering. When the elevator finally stopped, me and Hazel walked until we got to the doors. We opened them and all conversation stopped. Me and Hazel both bowed our heads respectfully. We refused to bow though. They had taken to much from us. "Demigods, I have decided to have the twelve  Olympians plus a few other gods bless you." Zeus spoke overdramaticly. My eyes widened a little bit, we would be the most powerful demigods ever. "Ok. Uh sure why not?" Hazel mumbled under her breath. I had to resist the urge to laugh and cry at the same time, it sounded like something Percy would've said. "Why?" Zeus was about to speak but Hera spoke instead, "Because Hazel is the last of my chosen demigods and Nico witnessed their deaths."
After we were blessed I felt extremely powerful. Not an addictive powerful though, more like a ' You're stronger and could defeat a really bad person quickly ' power. "Now as part of my blessing I am going to send you to Gotham city. There you will find a new family, but beware there are many dangers there. You will be safe from monsters but not mortal enemies." Hestia said. We didn't get a chance to respond before we were flashed to Gotham city.
Words: 616
Hey so another chapter done! Once again sorry if anything is spelled wrong. I've got dyslexia and I'm French. So yeah. Au revoir!

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