I smirk "I will, now get out of the kitchen"

"But I want to stay here with you" he whines and I laugh.

"It will just take a bit, now leave so I can cook"

He pouts adorably while I push him out of the kitchen.

Now, what should I make? I want to make a good impression and I want my mate to know I can take care of him.

I decide to make scrambled eggs with sausage and bacon. Some pancakes, oatmeal and 2 breakfast burritos.

I grab the ingredients and after one hour and a half I am done.

I grab two glasses and fill them with orange juice.

I grab a tray and pile everything in it. If I were a human than I wouldn't be able to hold the tray but with the werewolf strength than I am able to do it effortlessly.

I go up the stairs as fast as I can then open the door.

Maddox was sitting in the bed, with the remote in his hand channel surfing.

As soon as I open the door his eyes snap to me and a smile overcomes his face.

He starts standing up but I stop him "What the hell are you doing?" i hiss stopping him in mid-walk.

"Umm, walking towards my mate so I can help her carry the food" he says.

I smile "well don't, I want to bring my man breakfast in bed"

He smiles while nodding and going back to the bed.

I walk towards the bed and sit on it. Maddox loots at tray of food and his face lights up like a kid on christmas.

"Wow baby, this looks delicious" he complements and I smile.

"Try it and then you tell me" i tell him.

He takes a bite of the scrambled eggs with the bacon and sausage and he closes his eyes and moans dramatically making me roll my eyes.

"Jesus, babe this taste fantastic" he exclaims and I smile.

"Thanks, when mom got sick I went to take cooking classes so that I could make her something good, so I pretty much know how to make everything" I say with a smile.

He kisses my cheek. "Thank you baby"

I blush "Your welcome"

"Open wide" he says as he holds up a spoonful of food for me.

I open my mouth and he feeds me the food.

The next hour is spent us feeding each other and talking about stupid things.

"I am so full!!" I groan and he laughs.

"What? You ate less than I did" he says making me laugh.

"Thats because you eat like a pig" I say with a laugh and he gasp.

"OMG! No you didn't" Maddox says in a falsetto voice while snapping his fingers making me burst out laughing.

"Oh yes I did, you eat like a pig" I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"Take is back babe or else" he warns

"What are you going to do Alpha?" I challenge and he smirks.

"This" he simply says and starts tickling me senseless.

"Omg! M-madd-ox sto-p i-t or y-ou will p-ay" i say between laughs and his smirk widens

"Baby, you are only making this harder for yourself" He says in amusement still tickling me.

Mates with Alpha MaddoxWhere stories live. Discover now