Part 21

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Court had been...intimidating, to say the least. Natsuki hadn't exactly been prepared for such an intense experience when she'd rolled out of bed this morning, but most of the crushing weight of those grueling years of torment and abuse lifted immediately when she had heard the word 'guilty' from the judge.

It had been tough to admit what her father had been doing to her over the years while he was right there in the room, eyeing her with contained rage the whole time. But she persevered, spilling all the details the judge may have required to help lock him away for good. Yuri's video evidence had proven amazingly useful in exposing him, too.

At least she had actually managed to get to court. They very nearly postponed it and kept her in hospital given her injuries and the evident shock she was in but she had insisted, pushing aside the pain and trauma to give way for the determination to lock the bastard up. That was all the motivation she had needed.

It was done now. She was safe from him, for ten years at least.

But now she was sat in a sturdy wooden chair across from an older woman in a Child Protection Services building. It felt unnerving to be there given Natsuki was nearly eighteen and she hardly felt anything remotely near a child, but they were helping her get back on her feet; she just had to remind herself of that fact. The woman was kind and stern, her voice gentle as she adjusted her little round glasses to peer at her across the mahogany desk. They'd already discussed some alternative living arrangements that, after a few calls, had ended up not being possible. No one else in her family wanted to take her in.

"As you're homeless and have no relatives willing to allow you to live with them we will need to consider two other housing options for you," Natsuki's pulse quickened, her palms becoming clammy. She nodded tensely, signalling her understanding. "The first option is foster care," nonono definitely not, "But given your age that's not as necessary as it would be for younger teenagers." Thank fuck. "The second is personal housing which we can provide for you. As you're still in education we're able to offer financial support that covers your bills and rent until you turn eighteen. This is often the more favorable option, as you can imagine."

Natsuki nodded, her decision finalized already. "That one."

"Very well," she made a brief note on her file before speaking up again. "There are multiple therapy options we can offer you-"

"No," Natsuki spoke up firmly. "I'd rather not."

"Therapy is highly recommended in these circumstances-"

"No," she repeated, her voice gaining in volume despite her burning throat.

"At least take this with you," she said, pushing a brochure along the desk towards her. "In case you change your mind." Hesitantly, Natsuki took it with numb fingers, folding it and stashing it in her bag. "Have you got anywhere to stay for a few days until we can figure out accommodation for you?"

She nodded, "I can stay with my frie-uh, girlfriend." It was still a strange, but nonetheless nice, feeling to call Yuri her girlfriend. She doubted she'd get used to it anytime soon.

The woman nodded briefly and noted Yuri's name, address and phone number when Natsuki offered them before she stood up and made her way over to the door, holding it open for her. "You're free to leave. We will contact you soon enough regarding your housing." With a relieved sigh she slipped through the door, the stress of the day making itself well known in her shoulders and neck.

Yuri sat fidgeting in an aged, battered chair in the white waiting room and Natsuki's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, baring in mind she hadn't seen her since their confession of love outside of her old house. She had been whisked away to court while Natsuki had been taken to the hospital. Her father had been taken alongside her, too, but once his injuries were deemed not life threatening he was then forced to face the consequences of his crimes.

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