Part 18

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Natsuki's skin buzzed with an electric energy, her chest heaving and her senses heightened. Nothing else even paralleled the overwhelming pleasure and satisfaction she felt coursing through her veins in that very moment of blissful peace.

Yuri blinked at her sleepily as she lay beside her, the dark sheets pulled up around her pale chest and a lazy, contented smile alighting her flushed face beautifully; Natsuki's chest fluttered at the sight.

Yeah, definitely love...

Yuri's shy, expectant look left her scrambling for a coherent sentence. "That was..." she murmured, not entirely sure how she intended to finish. Amazing? Fun? Perfect? No mere word seemed sufficient enough to contain her brimming emotions. "Just wow."

A short, sweet laugh escaped Yuri's kiss-swollen lips as she pulled her into her arms, her chin resting atop her pink head of hair. "I agree," she sighed, her nails tracing gentle lines up and down her exposed back. Lying in her arms felt comforting, Natsuki relaxed into her touch with a happy little purr and her fingers unconsciously twisted Yuri's long hair playfully. A funny resemblance to Yuri's own habit, she noticed. "How do you feel?"

She pondered the question for a moment, before speaking up. "Satisfied," Yuri giggled at that, a charming sound that warmed her heart. "A bit sore, though."

"Yes," Yuri replied quietly, her voice adopting a solemn, sad tone all of a sudden. "You will do."

For some reason or another it hadn't crossed her mind in the heat of their passion that this wasn't exactly new to Yuri, until it did. And once the thought implanted itself she couldn't seem to shake it. Oh, God, what if they were better than me...? As her mind manifested unpleasant images that she really didn't want to think of a pit formed in her stomach, leaving her feeling slightly nauseous and uneasy. Was it wrong to feel jealous about that sort of thing? That she hadn't been the one to take Yuri's virginity from her? Probably not.

"Are you alright?" She hadn't noticed her fidgeting had became a little too erratic. Yuri had backed away to study her appearance, a concerned, watchful look present.

"Y-Yeah, I just..." It was silly, she shouldn't mention it. It had been none of her business, anyway. It was only selfish to ruin the mood with her own foolish feelings. "It's nothing."

Seemingly unconvinced, Yuri shook off her strange episode anyway with a frown and she returned to holding her in her arms. Distracting herself, Natsuki watched as she traced lines with her index finger along the girl's shoulder and collarbones, her flesh prettily tinted red with kisses and heat. After a moment her eyes caught the sliced, scarred skin of her girlfriend's arms. "Yuri?" A curious hum spurred her on. "Do you still want to...cut?"

"Honestly? Yes," she admitted gravely, "But I will refrain from doing so for your sake."

"Oh," she swallowed what felt like a mangled ball of yarn, her insecurities getting the better of her once again. "B-But, uh, was I...y'know...o-okay..?"

"You were perfect," she whispered, dusting light kisses along her hair. "You did everything I could have hoped for from you. Thank you." Natsuki nuzzled her face further into the crook of her neck with a relieved sigh. "That is not the problem at all."

"You still unsure about what's causing it?" Natsuki murmured sleepily against Yuri's throat, to which Yuri nodded once.

"I am hoping the counselling will help me figure that out."

Oh yeah, that was starting soon. "When's your appointment again?"

"Two weeks from tomorrow." One of Yuri's hands had moved, her palm running lovingly through Natsuki's short hair. The feel of her sharp nails scratching her scalp as she did so made her shudder pleasantly, while leaving her feeling sleepy and a little disoriented. Maybe she should move soon, once her muscles stopped aching so much. As if sensing her thoughts Yuri piped up again, "You are free to use the shower if you please."

knives and bruises a yuri x natsuki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now